Seanba / Tiled2Unity

Export Tiled Map Editor (TMX) files into Unity
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issue importing maps to unity #138

Closed arcticanomaly closed 6 years ago

arcticanomaly commented 6 years ago

I'm trying to import my map to unity.

it's supposedly imported successfully, however, nothing shows up in my tiled2unity folder in unity.

Exporting 'D:\Unity\Projects\An Adventure With Death\Assets\maps\Base Tileset..tmx' to 'D:\Unity\Projects\An Adventure With Death\Assets\Tiled2Unity' Compiling tiled2unity file: Base Tileset..tiled2unity.xml ImportTexture : will import 'D:\Downloads\roguelike-pack\Spritesheet\roguelikeSheet_transparent.png' to D:\Unity\Projects\An Adventure With Death\Assets\Tiled2Unity\Textures InternalTexture : Assets/maps/collision.png Exporting to: D:\Unity\Projects\An Adventure With Death\Assets\Tiled2Unity\Imported\Base Tileset..tiled2unity.xml Succesfully exported: D:\Unity\Projects\An Adventure With Death\Assets\Tiled2Unity\Imported\Base Tileset..tiled2unity.xml Vertex Scale = 0.0625 Object Type Xml =

Exporting summary Succeeded: 1 Succesfully exported: D:\Unity\Projects\An Adventure With Death\Assets\Tiled2Unity\Imported\Base Tileset..tiled2unity.xml Vertex Scale = 0.0625 Object Type Xml = Warnings: 0 Errors: 0

i've gone over several posts here with similar isses but the problems don't seem to quite be the same and the solutions havent really done anything.

I get multiples of these two error messages in the console but i'm not sure how related they are to the issue, im still fairly new to unity.

Assets/Tiled2Unity/Meshes/Base Tileset. is not a valid asset file name. Please make sure there are no slashes or other unallowed characters in the file name. The file will be ignored. UnityEditor.AssetDatabase:ImportAsset(String, ImportAssetOptions) Tiled2Unity.ImportBehaviour:ImportTiled2UnityAsset(String) (at Assets/Tiled2Unity/Scripts/Runtime/ImportBehaviour.cs:153) Tiled2Unity.ImportTiled2Unity:ImportAllMeshes(ImportBehaviour) (at Assets/Tiled2Unity/Scripts/Editor/ImportTiled2Unity.Mesh.cs:66) Tiled2Unity.ImportTiled2Unity:MaterialImported(String) (at Assets/Tiled2Unity/Scripts/Editor/ImportTiled2Unity.Material.cs:37) Tiled2Unity.TiledAssetPostProcessor:OnPostprocessAllAssets(String[], String[], String[], String[]) (at Assets/Tiled2Unity/Scripts/Editor/TiledAssetPostProcessor.cs:93) UnityEditor.AssetPostprocessingInternal:PostprocessAllAssets(String[], String[], String[], String[], String[])


Ignoring asset refresh of Assets/Tiled2Unity/Meshes/Base Tileset./Base-Tileset._mesh_0002.obj because the folder it is in has not been imported yet!

also, I've been following a game design guide on youtube that uses this to create the maps. as far as i can tell, I've done anything differently to them and I don't have unity or tiled2unity set up any differently but they seemingly had no issues

arcticanomaly commented 6 years ago

solved. feel like an idiot.

Seanba commented 6 years ago

Hi there. Was this a problem because of the two periods in your Tiled file? i.e. Base Tileset..tmx?

I can try to detect stuff like that so that others are not tripped up. It seems like an easy mistake to make.

arcticanomaly commented 6 years ago

Yeah it was, I'm not sure how it slipped in there.

It was surprisingly hard to spot