Seanba / Tiled2Unity

Export Tiled Map Editor (TMX) files into Unity
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Stuck with "Import Wait_Materials" while importing. #143

Closed Bugari closed 6 years ago

Bugari commented 6 years ago

I cannot any longer import map to project. It gets stuck, and leaves created file __tiled2unity_importer.


I tired re-importing tiled2unity to project, remaking map, remaking tileset.. nothing helped. I don't recieve any errors or warnings anywhere.

What can I do to fix this? Thanks for your help.

Seanba commented 6 years ago

Hi there. Try deleting all __tiled2unity_importer objects in your scene and export again. If you still have problems then post the contents of your Console output window. Tiled2Unity usually gives information on what went wrong there.

Bugari commented 6 years ago

I did try that - no success. Unity console is empty. You can see Tiled2Unity console result below.

Command: C:/Users/Bugar/Documents/GitHub/SoulBow/Tiled/TestMap.tmx
Arguments summary
Succeeded: 0
Warnings: 0
Errors: 0
Opening C:\Users\Bugar\Documents\GitHub\SoulBow\Tiled\TestMap.tmx ...
Opening C:\Users\Bugar\Documents\GitHub\SoulBow\Tiled\Walls.tsx ...
Map details: { "TestMap" size = 15x10, tile size = 64x64, # tiles = 24 }
Parsed: C:\Users\Bugar\Documents\GitHub\SoulBow\Tiled\TestMap.tmx 
Loading summary
Succeeded: 1
  Parsed: C:\Users\Bugar\Documents\GitHub\SoulBow\Tiled\TestMap.tmx 
Warnings: 0
Errors: 0
Exporting 'C:\Users\Bugar\Documents\GitHub\SoulBow\Tiled\TestMap.tmx' to 'C:\Users\Bugar\Documents\GitHub\SoulBow\Assets\Tiled2Unity'
Compiling tiled2unity file: TestMap.tiled2unity.xml
InternalTexture : Assets/Sprites/Walls.png
Exporting to: C:\Users\Bugar\Documents\GitHub\SoulBow\Assets\Tiled2Unity\Imported\TestMap.tiled2unity.xml
Succesfully exported: C:\Users\Bugar\Documents\GitHub\SoulBow\Assets\Tiled2Unity\Imported\TestMap.tiled2unity.xml
  Vertex Scale = 0.015625
  Object Type Xml = <none>
Exporting summary
Succeeded: 1
  Succesfully exported: C:\Users\Bugar\Documents\GitHub\SoulBow\Assets\Tiled2Unity\Imported\TestMap.tiled2unity.xml
  Vertex Scale = 0.015625
  Object Type Xml = <none>
Warnings: 0
Errors: 0
Seanba commented 6 years ago

Can you send me your exported TestMap.tiled2unity.xml file? You can find my email address on my blog:

I'll also need that texture you have at Assets/Sprites/Walls.png


Bugari commented 6 years ago

Email sent :)

Seanba commented 6 years ago

Thanks, Bugari. I've found the issue and I've sent you a fix. If that works out for you then I'll roll it out with the next Tiled2Unity version.

Seanba commented 6 years ago

Version fixes this. Thanks for the bug report.