Seanba / Tiled2Unity

Export Tiled Map Editor (TMX) files into Unity
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Custom attributes from templates #155

Open jamiec7919 opened 6 years ago

jamiec7919 commented 6 years ago


I'm not sure if this is by design or not but it appears that custom attributes set by a template are not being read/imported. For example (image below if it helps), I've created a template called EnemySpawn.tx which has a default attribute called enemy:type. This is not being imported into Unity, however if I manually add a custom property it works ok.


I see the following in the tmx file, which makes sense but I'm not sure if Tiled2Unity will read the .txs and I've just got it in the wrong place?



I'm trying to use these in a custom importer (using the HandleCustomProperties method) which works fine for manually added properties isn't being called for objects with only the template defaults.