Seanba / Tiled2Unity

Export Tiled Map Editor (TMX) files into Unity
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Error Report #172

Closed Brianatorj closed 5 years ago

Brianatorj commented 6 years ago

On Tiled2Unity I am attempting to get my test map into Unity for, of course, testing. Every time so far has not worked. Here is exactly what it says:

Succeeded: 1 Parsed: C:\Users\brian_000\Documents\ActionRPG\Assets\Maps\test_area.tmx Warnings: 0 Errors: 1 Tileset file does not exist: C:\Base Tileset.tsx

Can you please tell me how to fix this? Thank you!

Seanba commented 6 years ago

Hi there, Brian. These kind of errors are almost always caused by moving tilesets around but not updating your TMX file to look for the tileset in the new location. Did you double check that C:\Base Tileset.tsx exists?

EnterAnUsername commented 6 years ago

I have the same problem and the file doesn't exist but when I go for svae the tileset here the file exist. I've posted an issue with some script if you wanna take a look

Brianatorj commented 5 years ago

Seanba, due to certain restrictions on my computer I can't move the Base Tileset to the C: part of the computer. Any way I can change the location that Tiled2Unity looks for the Tileset?

Seanba commented 5 years ago

Where does Tiled look for that tileset? Tiled2Unity will look for it in the same location.

You can always edit raw TMX file to look for a tileset (or some other dependency) in another location.

Brianatorj commented 5 years ago

I have no idea where TIled looks for the Tileset nor how to make it look somewhere for the tileset. I also do not know how to edit raw TMX files to look for the tileset (I am new to programming and stuff)

Seanba commented 5 years ago

When you open your TMX file in Tiled and Tiled cannot find a tileset or texture or some other dependency then it should pop up a dialog asking you to locate that file in another location. Have you tried that?

Brianatorj commented 5 years ago

No I am going to try that now

Brianatorj commented 5 years ago

It is working just fine, no pop-ups or anything.

Seanba commented 5 years ago

Do you know if that tileset is actually being used by your map anymore? It's possible you have an old reference in your TMX file that should now be removed.

Brianatorj commented 5 years ago

I just deleted and remade the Testing Map, and deleted and then remade the Tileset, but now the export button isn't working. I went to check and seen that this tileset IS where it is supposed to be (C:/Base Tileset). I would assume the Tileset IS being used by the map now.

Seanba commented 5 years ago

Hi again. Can you elaborate a bit more on "export button isn't working"? Are you seeing any errors or warnings?

FWIW, I'm working on a new version of Tiled2Unity that will greatly simplify the export process (as in, there isn't one, everything is done in Unity) and you may be better off waiting on that if this is giving you so much trouble.

Brianatorj commented 5 years ago

By not working I mean the export button won't be pressed again, like it should after exporting, even though i did not exporting.

Seanba commented 5 years ago

If you can't click on the export button then make sure your "Export To ..." directory is set up to correctly. (In other words, it has be a valid Unity project.)

If you're still stuck send a screenshot perhaps?

Brianatorj commented 5 years ago

screenshot 24

Seanba commented 5 years ago

That's a Tiled error, not Tiled2Unity. It looks like you're trying to "export" a tileset file but I don't think you want to be doing that.

It think things have perhaps approached a degree of complexity that it would be best to start off again small. Try with a simple, small map, with your TMX file, tilesets, and textures all in one directory that you have access to. From that see if you can use the Tiled2Unity exporter successfully to get your map into your Unity project.

Brianatorj commented 5 years ago

I just tried that and it is saying the same thing as earlier. I also can't seem to figure out how to properly change the pathway Tiled2Unity is taking. If I can figure out how to do that than I believe I will be able to fix the problem.

Seanba commented 5 years ago

Hi again:

I just tried that and it is saying the same thing as earlier.

Please help me out by being a bit more specific. What is "it"? (Tiled or Tiled2Unity?) and what is "same thing as eariler?" (An error about a missing tileset or the "unknown file format" error?)

Brianatorj commented 5 years ago

Tiled2Unity is saying that they can't find C:\Base Tileset. I also tried changing the Tileset's name hoping it would fix it, but it didn't work.

Seanba commented 5 years ago

Can you send me your TMX file? You can find my email address on my website:

Brianatorj commented 5 years ago

I did it! I figured it out!

Brianatorj commented 5 years ago

I opened my Tiled file in Unity, and then Tiled said it couldn't locate the Tileset. It then gave me an option to locate the Tileset so I used that to use the Tileset I had recently saved. I then saved the Map and then used Tiled2Unity to access the Map one more time. Then it worked just fine!

Seanba commented 5 years ago

Okay. Glad you got it working.