Seanba / Tiled2Unity

Export Tiled Map Editor (TMX) files into Unity
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Sprites added as collection of images and put on an Object Layer lack some features #95

Closed Kalmend closed 7 years ago

Kalmend commented 7 years ago

When I import a sprite as a collection of images to Tiled and add multiple colliders to the single sprite, they dont get categorized by the Type property. It works fine for tiles on Tile Layers. Tiled2Unity Preview also shows all of the tiles as gray, while in Tiled they get colored according to their object type.

As a workaround I tried using the unity:isTrigger on one of the colliders under my sprite, but this too doesn't work.

Seanba commented 7 years ago

Hi Kalmend, yes, all collision layers on a Tile Object have inherited their setting from the Object Layer they are a part of. This was not my intention. I should have a fix for this in the coming day or two.

Seanba commented 7 years ago

Kalmend, this was fixed with version of Tiled2Unity. Thanks for the bug report.