SeasideSt / Parasol

Testing web apps in Smalltalk using Selenium WebDriver.
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endless loop when loading parasol before mdl (or voyage) #47

Closed SabineMa closed 3 years ago

SabineMa commented 3 years ago

I load in my baseline Parasol, voyage, mdl (and other stuff).

I have noticed that I have to load mdl and voyage before parasol to avoid getting an endless loop

could be related with (but I do NOT use GemStone):

I can fix the problem by changing order but I want to report it here. With the following baseline the endless loop can be reproduced:

baseline: spec
        for: #common
        do: [ spec blessing: #baseline.
                baseline: 'Parasol'
                with: [ spec
                        loads: #('core');
                        repository: 'github://SeasideSt/Parasol/repository' ].
                baseline: 'MaterialDesignLite'
                with: [ spec repository: 'github://DuneSt/MaterialDesignLite:v2.2.4/src' ] ]

Bildschirmfoto 2020-10-28 um 13 10 49

jbrichau commented 3 years ago

This should be fixed in #48