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WASelectionDateTableFunctionalTest depends on WASelectionDateTable which requires Chronology classes #1258

Open eMaringolo opened 3 years ago

eMaringolo commented 3 years ago

The WASelectionDateTableFunctionalTest uses a WASelectionDateTable, but this class depends on classes such as Month that are not available in dialects such as VAST.

Since this is in the Widgets package that should be dialect neutral, should this be moved to another package?

jbrichau commented 3 years ago

I skimmed through the code but it's a bit hard to asses which methods do not exist or do not have a valid counterpart in VAST. Could you change the code so it works in VAST and we can see to find an implementation that matches all supported platforms (which is easy: Pharo, GemStone and VAST ;-) )

eMaringolo commented 3 years ago

I wonder whether this widget is used at all, that's why I thought about moving it to a separate package. But reimplementing it in a "neutral" way would be a workaround... that will certainly not be done soon :-)