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WAServerAdaptor>>#handlePadding: needed anymore ? #1396

Open Noschvie opened 7 months ago

Noschvie commented 7 months ago


"If you create an error page that's too small, Microsoft Internet Explorer will display its own error page that includes a link to the MSN network search engine rather than your own error page.
See for details."

^(size < 512 and: [ #(400 403 404 405 406 408 409 410 500 501 505) includes: aRequestContext response status ])
    ifTrue: [ aRequestContext response nextPutAll: ((String new: 512 - size) atAllPut: $ ) ]

is this padding needed anymore ? Thanks, Norbert

adriaon commented 7 months ago

I just checked and Edge still shows its own error page without padding.

However, we are no longer padding the response. I don't remember exactly why we made this change, but the comment we added reads "not desirable for REST API's and AJAX".

Cheers, Adriaan.