SeasideSt / Seaside

The framework for developing sophisticated web applications in Smalltalk.
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Squeak loading fails due to STON #1420

Open marschall opened 2 weeks ago

marschall commented 2 weeks ago

Our Squeak 5.3 and 6.0 CI tests fail because loading the packages fails with

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Warning: This package depends on the following classes:
You must resolve these dependencies before you will be able to load these definitions: 
  ZnMimeType class>>fromSton:
  ZnMimeType class>>stonName

Build was unable to report intermediate build status.

It looks like we're trying to load STON for Parasol and Parasol is loaded because 'Seaside-Tests-Parasol' is part of 'Tests'.

STON has a dependency on Zinc which is not declared. This works in Pharo where Zinc is already present but fails on Squeak.

I filed

jbrichau commented 3 hours ago

Zinc will actually not work in Squeak, as far as I know. It is even doubtful that STON works in Squeak.. so unless someone will start porting and maintaining those two projects for Squeak (doubtful), perhaps we should rather aim to remove the functional tests using Parasol from the Squeak build?

Moreover, Parasol uses STON to read and write JSON... which should be unnecessary imho. I think that should be replaced with Seaside-Json.

jbrichau commented 2 hours ago

I added a PR on Parasol to remove the dependency on STON: