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单元素动画组件中加入BezierPlugin——实现路径缓动和曲线路径动画部分 #30

Open Seasons123 opened 7 years ago

Seasons123 commented 7 years ago


import BezierPlugin from 'ad/animation/SingleAnim/plugin/BezierPlugin';
<SingleAnim animation={{
  bezier: { 
    type: 'soft', 
    autoRotate: true,
    vars: [
      { x: 150, y: 150 },
      { x: 300, y: 0 },
      { x: 450, y: 150 },
      { x: 600, y: 0 },

参数 类型 默认 说明

type                    string  soft           类型    thru soft quadratic cubic
autoRotate          boolean   false       跟随旋转
vars                    array   null        贝赛尔点的位置,如 { x:100, y:100}

贝赛尔曲线 API 参照

相关参考: BezierPlugin插件(js/jquery)--模拟曲线贝塞尔运动、绘制曲线的实用插件 Bezier曲线原理

Seasons123 commented 7 years ago


GreenSock在Flash动画时代久负盛名,并且GreenSock的维护团队与时俱进,推出了以javascript为核心的 GreenSock,在Flash和HTML5项目中,你可以使用相同的动画工具集,同样的API,同样的开发体验,同 样关注性能。

7kb)。GSAP提供了TweenLite, TimelineLite, TimelineMax 和 TweenMax不同功能的动画模块,你可以按

【GSAP JS基础教程--认识GSAP JS】 【GSAP JS基础教程--使用缓动函数】 【GSAP JS基础教程--TweenLite操作元素的相关属性】 【GSAP JS基础教程--动画的控制及事件】

【使用 GreenSock 来制作 SVG 动画】 【GSAP_入门 精通 教程_w3cplus】——大漠

【类包GreenSock-JS】 (官网:

Seasons123 commented 7 years ago


 * VERSION: 1.3.7
 * DATE: 2017-01-17
 * @license Copyright (c) 2008-2017, GreenSock. All rights reserved.
 * This work is subject to the terms at or for
 * Club GreenSock members, the software agreement that was issued with your membership.
 * @author: Jack Doyle,
var _gsScope = (typeof(module) !== "undefined" && module.exports && typeof(global) !== "undefined") ? global : this || window; //helps ensure compatibility with AMD/RequireJS and CommonJS/Node
(_gsScope._gsQueue || (_gsScope._gsQueue = [])).push( function() {

    "use strict";

        var _RAD2DEG = 180 / Math.PI,
            _r1 = [],
            _r2 = [],
            _r3 = [],
            _corProps = {},
            _globals = _gsScope._gsDefine.globals,
            Segment = function(a, b, c, d) {
                if (c === d) { //if c and d match, the final autoRotate value could lock at -90 degrees, so differentiate them slightly.
                    c = d - (d - b) / 1000000;
                if (a === b) { //if a and b match, the starting autoRotate value could lock at -90 degrees, so differentiate them slightly.
                    b = a + (c - a) / 1000000;
                this.a = a;
                this.b = b;
                this.c = c;
                this.d = d;
                this.da = d - a;
       = c - a;
       = b - a;
            _correlate = ",x,y,z,left,top,right,bottom,marginTop,marginLeft,marginRight,marginBottom,paddingLeft,paddingTop,paddingRight,paddingBottom,backgroundPosition,backgroundPosition_y,",
            cubicToQuadratic = function(a, b, c, d) {
                var q1 = {a:a},
                    q2 = {},
                    q3 = {},
                    q4 = {c:d},
                    mab = (a + b) / 2,
                    mbc = (b + c) / 2,
                    mcd = (c + d) / 2,
                    mabc = (mab + mbc) / 2,
                    mbcd = (mbc + mcd) / 2,
                    m8 = (mbcd - mabc) / 8;
                q1.b = mab + (a - mab) / 4;
                q2.b = mabc + m8;
                q1.c = q2.a = (q1.b + q2.b) / 2;
                q2.c = q3.a = (mabc + mbcd) / 2;
                q3.b = mbcd - m8;
                q4.b = mcd + (d - mcd) / 4;
                q3.c = q4.a = (q3.b + q4.b) / 2;
                return [q1, q2, q3, q4];
            _calculateControlPoints = function(a, curviness, quad, basic, correlate) {
                var l = a.length - 1,
                    ii = 0,
                    cp1 = a[0].a,
                    i, p1, p2, p3, seg, m1, m2, mm, cp2, qb, r1, r2, tl;
                for (i = 0; i < l; i++) {
                    seg = a[ii];
                    p1 = seg.a;
                    p2 = seg.d;
                    p3 = a[ii+1].d;

                    if (correlate) {
                        r1 = _r1[i];
                        r2 = _r2[i];
                        tl = ((r2 + r1) * curviness * 0.25) / (basic ? 0.5 : _r3[i] || 0.5);
                        m1 = p2 - (p2 - p1) * (basic ? curviness * 0.5 : (r1 !== 0 ? tl / r1 : 0));
                        m2 = p2 + (p3 - p2) * (basic ? curviness * 0.5 : (r2 !== 0 ? tl / r2 : 0));
                        mm = p2 - (m1 + (((m2 - m1) * ((r1 * 3 / (r1 + r2)) + 0.5) / 4) || 0));
                    } else {
                        m1 = p2 - (p2 - p1) * curviness * 0.5;
                        m2 = p2 + (p3 - p2) * curviness * 0.5;
                        mm = p2 - (m1 + m2) / 2;
                    m1 += mm;
                    m2 += mm;

                    seg.c = cp2 = m1;
                    if (i !== 0) {
                        seg.b = cp1;
                    } else {
                        seg.b = cp1 = seg.a + (seg.c - seg.a) * 0.6; //instead of placing b on a exactly, we move it inline with c so that if the user specifies an ease like Back.easeIn or Elastic.easeIn which goes BEYOND the beginning, it will do so smoothly.

                    seg.da = p2 - p1;
           = cp2 - p1;
           = cp1 - p1;

                    if (quad) {
                        qb = cubicToQuadratic(p1, cp1, cp2, p2);
                        a.splice(ii, 1, qb[0], qb[1], qb[2], qb[3]);
                        ii += 4;
                    } else {

                    cp1 = m2;
                seg = a[ii];
                seg.b = cp1;
                seg.c = cp1 + (seg.d - cp1) * 0.4; //instead of placing c on d exactly, we move it inline with b so that if the user specifies an ease like Back.easeOut or Elastic.easeOut which goes BEYOND the end, it will do so smoothly.
                seg.da = seg.d - seg.a;
       = seg.c - seg.a;
       = cp1 - seg.a;
                if (quad) {
                    qb = cubicToQuadratic(seg.a, cp1, seg.c, seg.d);
                    a.splice(ii, 1, qb[0], qb[1], qb[2], qb[3]);
            _parseAnchors = function(values, p, correlate, prepend) {
                var a = [],
                    l, i, p1, p2, p3, tmp;
                if (prepend) {
                    values = [prepend].concat(values);
                    i = values.length;
                    while (--i > -1) {
                        if (typeof( (tmp = values[i][p]) ) === "string") if (tmp.charAt(1) === "=") {
                            values[i][p] = prepend[p] + Number(tmp.charAt(0) + tmp.substr(2)); //accommodate relative values. Do it inline instead of breaking it out into a function for speed reasons
                l = values.length - 2;
                if (l < 0) {
                    a[0] = new Segment(values[0][p], 0, 0, values[0][p]);
                    return a;
                for (i = 0; i < l; i++) {
                    p1 = values[i][p];
                    p2 = values[i+1][p];
                    a[i] = new Segment(p1, 0, 0, p2);
                    if (correlate) {
                        p3 = values[i+2][p];
                        _r1[i] = (_r1[i] || 0) + (p2 - p1) * (p2 - p1);
                        _r2[i] = (_r2[i] || 0) + (p3 - p2) * (p3 - p2);
                a[i] = new Segment(values[i][p], 0, 0, values[i+1][p]);
                return a;
            bezierThrough = function(values, curviness, quadratic, basic, correlate, prepend) {
                var obj = {},
                    props = [],
                    first = prepend || values[0],
                    i, p, a, j, r, l, seamless, last;
                correlate = (typeof(correlate) === "string") ? ","+correlate+"," : _correlate;
                if (curviness == null) {
                    curviness = 1;
                for (p in values[0]) {
                //check to see if the last and first values are identical (well, within 0.05). If so, make seamless by appending the second element to the very end of the values array and the 2nd-to-last element to the very beginning (we'll remove those segments later)
                if (values.length > 1) {
                    last = values[values.length - 1];
                    seamless = true;
                    i = props.length;
                    while (--i > -1) {
                        p = props[i];
                        if (Math.abs(first[p] - last[p]) > 0.05) { //build in a tolerance of +/-0.05 to accommodate rounding errors.
                            seamless = false;
                    if (seamless) {
                        values = values.concat(); //duplicate the array to avoid contaminating the original which the user may be reusing for other tweens
                        if (prepend) {
                        prepend = values[values.length - 3];
                _r1.length = _r2.length = _r3.length = 0;
                i = props.length;
                while (--i > -1) {
                    p = props[i];
                    _corProps[p] = (correlate.indexOf(","+p+",") !== -1);
                    obj[p] = _parseAnchors(values, p, _corProps[p], prepend);
                i = _r1.length;
                while (--i > -1) {
                    _r1[i] = Math.sqrt(_r1[i]);
                    _r2[i] = Math.sqrt(_r2[i]);
                if (!basic) {
                    i = props.length;
                    while (--i > -1) {
                        if (_corProps[p]) {
                            a = obj[props[i]];
                            l = a.length - 1;
                            for (j = 0; j < l; j++) {
                                r = (a[j+1].da / _r2[j] + a[j].da / _r1[j]) || 0;
                                _r3[j] = (_r3[j] || 0) + r * r;
                    i = _r3.length;
                    while (--i > -1) {
                        _r3[i] = Math.sqrt(_r3[i]);
                i = props.length;
                j = quadratic ? 4 : 1;
                while (--i > -1) {
                    p = props[i];
                    a = obj[p];
                    _calculateControlPoints(a, curviness, quadratic, basic, _corProps[p]); //this method requires that _parseAnchors() and _setSegmentRatios() ran first so that _r1, _r2, and _r3 values are populated for all properties
                    if (seamless) {
                        a.splice(0, j);
                        a.splice(a.length - j, j);
                return obj;
            _parseBezierData = function(values, type, prepend) {
                type = type || "soft";
                var obj = {},
                    inc = (type === "cubic") ? 3 : 2,
                    soft = (type === "soft"),
                    props = [],
                    a, b, c, d, cur, i, j, l, p, cnt, tmp;
                if (soft && prepend) {
                    values = [prepend].concat(values);
                if (values == null || values.length < inc + 1) { throw "invalid Bezier data"; }
                for (p in values[0]) {
                i = props.length;
                while (--i > -1) {
                    p = props[i];
                    obj[p] = cur = [];
                    cnt = 0;
                    l = values.length;
                    for (j = 0; j < l; j++) {
                        a = (prepend == null) ? values[j][p] : (typeof( (tmp = values[j][p]) ) === "string" && tmp.charAt(1) === "=") ? prepend[p] + Number(tmp.charAt(0) + tmp.substr(2)) : Number(tmp);
                        if (soft) if (j > 1) if (j < l - 1) {
                            cur[cnt++] = (a + cur[cnt-2]) / 2;
                        cur[cnt++] = a;
                    l = cnt - inc + 1;
                    cnt = 0;
                    for (j = 0; j < l; j += inc) {
                        a = cur[j];
                        b = cur[j+1];
                        c = cur[j+2];
                        d = (inc === 2) ? 0 : cur[j+3];
                        cur[cnt++] = tmp = (inc === 3) ? new Segment(a, b, c, d) : new Segment(a, (2 * b + a) / 3, (2 * b + c) / 3, c);
                    cur.length = cnt;
                return obj;
            _addCubicLengths = function(a, steps, resolution) {
                var inc = 1 / resolution,
                    j = a.length,
                    d, d1, s, da, ca, ba, p, i, inv, bez, index;
                while (--j > -1) {
                    bez = a[j];
                    s = bez.a;
                    da = bez.d - s;
                    ca = bez.c - s;
                    ba = bez.b - s;
                    d = d1 = 0;
                    for (i = 1; i <= resolution; i++) {
                        p = inc * i;
                        inv = 1 - p;
                        d = d1 - (d1 = (p * p * da + 3 * inv * (p * ca + inv * ba)) * p);
                        index = j * resolution + i - 1;
                        steps[index] = (steps[index] || 0) + d * d;
            _parseLengthData = function(obj, resolution) {
                resolution = resolution >> 0 || 6;
                var a = [],
                    lengths = [],
                    d = 0,
                    total = 0,
                    threshold = resolution - 1,
                    segments = [],
                    curLS = [], //current length segments array
                    p, i, l, index;
                for (p in obj) {
                    _addCubicLengths(obj[p], a, resolution);
                l = a.length;
                for (i = 0; i < l; i++) {
                    d += Math.sqrt(a[i]);
                    index = i % resolution;
                    curLS[index] = d;
                    if (index === threshold) {
                        total += d;
                        index = (i / resolution) >> 0;
                        segments[index] = curLS;
                        lengths[index] = total;
                        d = 0;
                        curLS = [];
                return {length:total, lengths:lengths, segments:segments};

            BezierPlugin = _gsScope._gsDefine.plugin({
                    propName: "bezier",
                    priority: -1,
                    version: "1.3.7",
                    API: 2,

                    //gets called when the tween renders for the first time. This is where initial values should be recorded and any setup routines should run.
                    init: function(target, vars, tween) {
                        this._target = target;
                        if (vars instanceof Array) {
                            vars = {values:vars};
                        this._func = {};
                        this._mod = {};
                        this._props = [];
                        this._timeRes = (vars.timeResolution == null) ? 6 : parseInt(vars.timeResolution, 10);
                        var values = vars.values || [],
                            first = {},
                            second = values[0],
                            autoRotate = vars.autoRotate || tween.vars.orientToBezier,
                            p, isFunc, i, j, prepend;

                        this._autoRotate = autoRotate ? (autoRotate instanceof Array) ? autoRotate : [["x","y","rotation",((autoRotate === true) ? 0 : Number(autoRotate) || 0)]] : null;
                        for (p in second) {

                        i = this._props.length;
                        while (--i > -1) {
                            p = this._props[i];

                            isFunc = this._func[p] = (typeof(target[p]) === "function");
                            first[p] = (!isFunc) ? parseFloat(target[p]) : target[ ((p.indexOf("set") || typeof(target["get" + p.substr(3)]) !== "function") ? p : "get" + p.substr(3)) ]();
                            if (!prepend) if (first[p] !== values[0][p]) {
                                prepend = first;
                        this._beziers = (vars.type !== "cubic" && vars.type !== "quadratic" && vars.type !== "soft") ? bezierThrough(values, isNaN(vars.curviness) ? 1 : vars.curviness, false, (vars.type === "thruBasic"), vars.correlate, prepend) : _parseBezierData(values, vars.type, first);
                        this._segCount = this._beziers[p].length;

                        if (this._timeRes) {
                            var ld = _parseLengthData(this._beziers, this._timeRes);
                            this._length = ld.length;
                            this._lengths = ld.lengths;
                            this._segments = ld.segments;
                            this._l1 = this._li = this._s1 = this._si = 0;
                            this._l2 = this._lengths[0];
                            this._curSeg = this._segments[0];
                            this._s2 = this._curSeg[0];
                            this._prec = 1 / this._curSeg.length;

                        if ((autoRotate = this._autoRotate)) {
                            this._initialRotations = [];
                            if (!(autoRotate[0] instanceof Array)) {
                                this._autoRotate = autoRotate = [autoRotate];
                            i = autoRotate.length;
                            while (--i > -1) {
                                for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
                                    p = autoRotate[i][j];
                                    this._func[p] = (typeof(target[p]) === "function") ? target[ ((p.indexOf("set") || typeof(target["get" + p.substr(3)]) !== "function") ? p : "get" + p.substr(3)) ] : false;
                                p = autoRotate[i][2];
                                this._initialRotations[i] = (this._func[p] ? this._func[p].call(this._target) : this._target[p]) || 0;
                        this._startRatio = tween.vars.runBackwards ? 1 : 0; //we determine the starting ratio when the tween inits which is always 0 unless the tween has runBackwards:true (indicating it's a from() tween) in which case it's 1.
                        return true;

                    //called each time the values should be updated, and the ratio gets passed as the only parameter (typically it's a value between 0 and 1, but it can exceed those when using an ease like Elastic.easeOut or Back.easeOut, etc.)
                    set: function(v) {
                        var segments = this._segCount,
                            func = this._func,
                            target = this._target,
                            notStart = (v !== this._startRatio),
                            curIndex, inv, i, p, b, t, val, l, lengths, curSeg;
                        if (!this._timeRes) {
                            curIndex = (v < 0) ? 0 : (v >= 1) ? segments - 1 : (segments * v) >> 0;
                            t = (v - (curIndex * (1 / segments))) * segments;
                        } else {
                            lengths = this._lengths;
                            curSeg = this._curSeg;
                            v *= this._length;
                            i = this._li;
                            //find the appropriate segment (if the currently cached one isn't correct)
                            if (v > this._l2 && i < segments - 1) {
                                l = segments - 1;
                                while (i < l && (this._l2 = lengths[++i]) <= v) {   }
                                this._l1 = lengths[i-1];
                                this._li = i;
                                this._curSeg = curSeg = this._segments[i];
                                this._s2 = curSeg[(this._s1 = this._si = 0)];
                            } else if (v < this._l1 && i > 0) {
                                while (i > 0 && (this._l1 = lengths[--i]) >= v) { }
                                if (i === 0 && v < this._l1) {
                                    this._l1 = 0;
                                } else {
                                this._l2 = lengths[i];
                                this._li = i;
                                this._curSeg = curSeg = this._segments[i];
                                this._s1 = curSeg[(this._si = curSeg.length - 1) - 1] || 0;
                                this._s2 = curSeg[this._si];
                            curIndex = i;
                            //now find the appropriate sub-segment (we split it into the number of pieces that was defined by "precision" and measured each one)
                            v -= this._l1;
                            i = this._si;
                            if (v > this._s2 && i < curSeg.length - 1) {
                                l = curSeg.length - 1;
                                while (i < l && (this._s2 = curSeg[++i]) <= v) {    }
                                this._s1 = curSeg[i-1];
                                this._si = i;
                            } else if (v < this._s1 && i > 0) {
                                while (i > 0 && (this._s1 = curSeg[--i]) >= v) {    }
                                if (i === 0 && v < this._s1) {
                                    this._s1 = 0;
                                } else {
                                this._s2 = curSeg[i];
                                this._si = i;
                            t = ((i + (v - this._s1) / (this._s2 - this._s1)) * this._prec) || 0;
                        inv = 1 - t;

                        i = this._props.length;
                        while (--i > -1) {
                            p = this._props[i];
                            b = this._beziers[p][curIndex];
                            val = (t * t * b.da + 3 * inv * (t * + inv * * t + b.a;
                            if (this._mod[p]) {
                                val = this._mod[p](val, target);
                            if (func[p]) {
                            } else {
                                target[p] = val;

                        if (this._autoRotate) {
                            var ar = this._autoRotate,
                                b2, x1, y1, x2, y2, add, conv;
                            i = ar.length;
                            while (--i > -1) {
                                p = ar[i][2];
                                add = ar[i][3] || 0;
                                conv = (ar[i][4] === true) ? 1 : _RAD2DEG;
                                b = this._beziers[ar[i][0]];
                                b2 = this._beziers[ar[i][1]];

                                if (b && b2) { //in case one of the properties got overwritten.
                                    b = b[curIndex];
                                    b2 = b2[curIndex];

                                    x1 = b.a + (b.b - b.a) * t;
                                    x2 = b.b + (b.c - b.b) * t;
                                    x1 += (x2 - x1) * t;
                                    x2 += ((b.c + (b.d - b.c) * t) - x2) * t;

                                    y1 = b2.a + (b2.b - b2.a) * t;
                                    y2 = b2.b + (b2.c - b2.b) * t;
                                    y1 += (y2 - y1) * t;
                                    y2 += ((b2.c + (b2.d - b2.c) * t) - y2) * t;

                                    val = notStart ? Math.atan2(y2 - y1, x2 - x1) * conv + add : this._initialRotations[i];

                                    if (this._mod[p]) {
                                        val = this._mod[p](val, target); //for modProps

                                    if (func[p]) {
                                    } else {
                                        target[p] = val;
            p = BezierPlugin.prototype;

        BezierPlugin.bezierThrough = bezierThrough;
        BezierPlugin.cubicToQuadratic = cubicToQuadratic;
        BezierPlugin._autoCSS = true; //indicates that this plugin can be inserted into the "css" object using the autoCSS feature of TweenLite
        BezierPlugin.quadraticToCubic = function(a, b, c) {
            return new Segment(a, (2 * b + a) / 3, (2 * b + c) / 3, c);

        BezierPlugin._cssRegister = function() {
            var CSSPlugin = _globals.CSSPlugin;
            if (!CSSPlugin) {
            var _internals = CSSPlugin._internals,
                _parseToProxy = _internals._parseToProxy,
                _setPluginRatio = _internals._setPluginRatio,
                CSSPropTween = _internals.CSSPropTween;
            _internals._registerComplexSpecialProp("bezier", {parser:function(t, e, prop, cssp, pt, plugin) {
                if (e instanceof Array) {
                    e = {values:e};
                plugin = new BezierPlugin();
                var values = e.values,
                    l = values.length - 1,
                    pluginValues = [],
                    v = {},
                    i, p, data;
                if (l < 0) {
                    return pt;
                for (i = 0; i <= l; i++) {
                    data = _parseToProxy(t, values[i], cssp, pt, plugin, (l !== i));
                    pluginValues[i] = data.end;
                for (p in e) {
                    v[p] = e[p]; //duplicate the vars object because we need to alter some things which would cause problems if the user plans to reuse the same vars object for another tween.
                v.values = pluginValues;
                pt = new CSSPropTween(t, "bezier", 0, 0,, 2);
       = data;
                pt.plugin = plugin;
                pt.setRatio = _setPluginRatio;
                if (v.autoRotate === 0) {
                    v.autoRotate = true;
                if (v.autoRotate && !(v.autoRotate instanceof Array)) {
                    i = (v.autoRotate === true) ? 0 : Number(v.autoRotate);
                    v.autoRotate = (data.end.left != null) ? [["left","top","rotation",i,false]] : (data.end.x != null) ? [["x","y","rotation",i,false]] : false;
                if (v.autoRotate) {
                    if (!cssp._transform) {
                    data.autoRotate = cssp._target._gsTransform;
                    data.proxy.rotation = data.autoRotate.rotation || 0;
                plugin._onInitTween(data.proxy, v, cssp._tween);
                return pt;

        p._mod = function(lookup) {
            var op = this._overwriteProps,
                i = op.length,
            while (--i > -1) {
                val = lookup[op[i]];
                if (val && typeof(val) === "function") {
                    this._mod[op[i]] = val;

        p._kill = function(lookup) {
            var a = this._props,
                p, i;
            for (p in this._beziers) {
                if (p in lookup) {
                    delete this._beziers[p];
                    delete this._func[p];
                    i = a.length;
                    while (--i > -1) {
                        if (a[i] === p) {
                            a.splice(i, 1);
            a = this._autoRotate;
            if (a) {
                i = a.length;
                while (--i > -1) {
                    if (lookup[a[i][2]]) {
                        a.splice(i, 1);
            return, lookup);

}); if (_gsScope._gsDefine) { _gsScope._gsQueue.pop()(); }

//export to AMD/RequireJS and CommonJS/Node (precursor to full modular build system coming at a later date)
(function(name) {
    "use strict";
    var getGlobal = function() {
        return (_gsScope.GreenSockGlobals || _gsScope)[name];
    if (typeof(define) === "function" && define.amd) { //AMD
        define(["TweenLite"], getGlobal);
    } else if (typeof(module) !== "undefined" && module.exports) { //node
        module.exports = getGlobal();
Seasons123 commented 7 years ago
