SeattleTestbed / seash

Interactive vessel management tool
MIT License
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NATted Affix-enabled seash often fails on NATted Affix-enabled vessels #70

Open choksi81 opened 10 years ago

choksi81 commented 10 years ago

With an Affix-enabled version of seash running behind a NAT, it is close to impossible to reach Affix-enabled vessels running behind other NATs. A typical sequence of events looks like this:

  1. Lookup BadSeash key in advertise server --> value, c00c....
  2. Lookup in advertise server --> value, c000c....
  3. Lookup in UDP advertise server --> value 95cb... only!
  4. DNS query for 95cb... --> answer
  5. DNS query for c00c... --> answer
  6. Now we contact two NAT forwarders almost at the same time:
  7. Contact, get connection to 95cb..., GetVessels, response, everything good!
  8. Contact, ......, everything good!
  9. Contact c00c...'s private IP address --> fails of course
  10. Contact 95cb...'s private IP address --> fails of course

The last two steps are the problem -- these would only make sense if seash and the NATted vessels were on the same LAN (which is improbable in general).

I don't claim to know whether contacting the same node over two interfaces is desired behavior by Affix; we might also look at a different bug (e.g. look at the libraries includes/dy_links: time, advertise, nmclient all use socket_timeout, but only the last has network calls overridden by Affix).

choksi81 commented 10 years ago

After #1407 is patched, this should no longer be an issue. #1404 is also related.