SebKuzminsky / pycam

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holes not round. #161

Open rewolff opened 4 years ago

rewolff commented 4 years ago

I'm still learning with pycam. My second to-be-milled object is a simple mounting plate for a stepper motor. Not something I really need now, but I might want to make such objects in the future.

I now have mills that are smaller than 3mm so I should be able to mill the 3mm holes for the screws. So I defined a 2mm cylindrical-head bit and used the waterline method to generate the G-code.

From the visualization it seems as if the holes are going to be very non-round. The "waterline" method should be able to follow the contour exactly, right?

In the past I've been bitten by thinking things would work out well, when in fact trusting the visualisation would have helped. So I haven't started this job yet because the visualization already says I won't get what I want (what will fit). pycam_gcode The small holes are simply 3mm holes, the big one is 22mm diameter. (edit: The above screenshot was still done with a 2.7mm bit, I've redone it (intending to do the screenshot again, but I forgot) with a 2mm bit. The big hole now gets two passes, but still much coarser than the source file.).