SebKuzminsky / pycam

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PyCAM Not Reloading SVG Model File Correctly #182

Open TalkVideo opened 3 years ago

TalkVideo commented 3 years ago

Steps To Reproduce: 1) Create An SVG File In Inkscape Or GIMP. 2) Load that file into PyCAM 3) Edit The SVG File outside Of PyCAM like with VIM, or the program You created it with. 4) Delete the Model in the Models Tab in the PyCAM GUI, then reload the Model In PyCAM 5) The changes You made will not appear in the Visualization Window.

Changing the View orientation in the Visualization Window does not help. Neither does toggling the Show Model Check Box.

Workaround: When you exit and restart PyCAM, then load the Model, the changes will appear,

It appears that the Model data are being cached, and the cache is not getting updated.

PyCAM Version is 0.0-unknown Commit Is: 4687f2f62bd75078a7b1b70339e9a5df75b64c63