SebLague / Digital-Logic-Sim
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IO-Grouping from v1.0.1 no longer working #137

Open Fisch37 opened 1 year ago

Fisch37 commented 1 year ago

I have just now been experimenting with the new version of the Sim and found out that the + and - functionality that allows to create input and output groups does not appear to be working anymore. The + and - keys don't do anything in the current version from

Is this an intentionally removed feature or is it a bug?

Oman395 commented 1 year ago

Can confirm same thing on my end, arch w/ kde

Tim-Gabrikowski commented 1 year ago

On the page it says:

In episode 1, some groups of inputs/outputs have their decimal value displayed next to them. I plan to add this back in the future.

Fisch37 commented 1 year ago

'kay, that clears it up, thanks! ^^

TheOneTrueMongoloid commented 1 year ago

Hopefully this feature comes back because it was very nice to have in older builds.