SebLague / Geographical-Adventures
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hou to fix the mesh generator creat a flat planet instead of a sephere? #113

Open JL13sky opened 1 year ago

JL13sky commented 1 year ago

Dear sir,i want to creat a earth on a flat planet ,not on a sephere.I watched your video, the Sahara Eye in your video also mentions how to do it, but I don't find it in your code. It seems to be the script "heightmapvis.cs". image Hope to hear from you, thank you!

artyPD commented 1 year ago

Hi there!

This may be late but I thought I might poke around the issues and see what I could find.

From what I can tell I can't find a file with that name anywhere in the file system.

Are you sure that is the file you are looking for?

JL13sky commented 1 year ago

Hi there!

This may be late but I thought I might poke around the issues and see what I could find.

From what I can tell I can't find a file with that name anywhere in the file system.

Are you sure that is the file you are looking for?

Thank you for your reply! Perhaps it's not that file? I remember mentioning in the video that it is related to the Sahara Eye.Can you teach me how to achieve the Sahara Eye mentioned in the video?

JL13sky commented 1 year ago

Hi there!

This may be late but I thought I might poke around the issues and see what I could find.

From what I can tell I can't find a file with that name anywhere in the file system.

Are you sure that is the file you are looking for?

i found the video, , someone send it to the BIilibili,
