SebLague / Geographical-Adventures
MIT License
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Latest update doesn't allow you to select or send packages #26

Closed RoyDubnium closed 2 years ago

RoyDubnium commented 2 years ago

Using the windows build from, I have found that it is impossible to actually send packages. Pressing the keybind plays the animation, but there is no way to select which package to send, and none of the distance feedback. It does not get recorded in the stats page, either.

RoyDubnium commented 2 years ago

2022-05-02_11-26-36 241

PangolinGiLA commented 2 years ago

Same issue on linux. I get this error message in console:

Parameter name: texture
  at (wrapper managed-to-native) UnityEngine.ComputeShader.SetTexture(UnityEngine.ComputeShader,int,int,UnityEngine.Texture,int)
  at UnityEngine.ComputeShader.SetTexture (System.Int32 kernelIndex, System.String name, UnityEngine.Texture texture) [0x00009] in <93ab8bbb587d40dfac933b737a2fcdc5>:0 
  at WorldLookup.RunLookupCompute (Coordinate coordinate) [0x0001e] in <3a845d3e51424599bd28152b739c1b2d>:0 
  at WorldLookup.GetTerrainInfoAsync (Coordinate coord, System.Action`1[T] callback) [0x0001b] in <3a845d3e51424599bd28152b739c1b2d>:0 
  at WorldLookup.GetTerrainInfoAsync (UnityEngine.Vector3 point, System.Action`1[T] callback) [0x0000d] in <3a845d3e51424599bd28152b739c1b2d>:0 
  at Package.Init (WorldLookup worldLookup) [0x0001d] in <3a845d3e51424599bd28152b739c1b2d>:0 
  at Player.DropPackage () [0x00022] in <3a845d3e51424599bd28152b739c1b2d>:0 
  at GeoGame.Quest.QuestSystem.DropPackage () [0x00093] in <3a845d3e51424599bd28152b739c1b2d>:0 
  at GeoGame.Quest.QuestSystem.HandleInput () [0x0000c] in <3a845d3e51424599bd28152b739c1b2d>:0 
  at GeoGame.Quest.QuestSystem.Update () [0x00035] in <3a845d3e51424599bd28152b739c1b2d>:0
SebLague commented 2 years ago

Oops, I deleted something I shouldn't have, sorry! Will push a fix in a minute.