More specifics on the menu: there will be three screens (tabs) for the map, inventory, and saving, respectively. The menu should be navigated via keyboard input (i.e. no mouse)
Map - for now, a list of all the checkpoints one has visited; if the user selects one, he will get the option of teleporting there. We may come up with a graphical way to show the list later.
Inventory - a list of items the character has; if the user hovers over an item, a description will appear in a dedicated panel. User cannot do anything with the item from the menu.
Saving - a list of save files. The user can choose to overwrite or save a new file from this screen. Maybe add in the option of loading a pre-saved file.
For the in-game menu - pause the in-game proceedings and allow the user to use key input to navigate menus.
The framework could also be reused for the start screen.