SebastianMC / obsidian-custom-sort

Take full control over the order and sorting of folders and notes in File Explorer in Obsidian
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Custom sort context menu stops to work #110

Closed arthniwa closed 8 months ago

arthniwa commented 8 months ago

Hi, I just found that the custom sort context menu no longer works. Clicking one of the options has no effect. Reordering existing bookmarks works fine.

As a remedy, I'm wondering how to manually edit those bookmarks, since adding bookmarks of files to the sortspec bookmark group produces different icons from those generated from adding them through the context menu.

I suspect this is caused by me adding a file to a sorted folder.

SebastianMC commented 8 months ago

Hi @arthniwa

thanks for your report!

Could you please add some more details?

Regarding manual editing of the bookmarks-for-sorting: while manual creation of bookmarks groups (representing folders) is doable, manual creation of file bookmarks could be tricky, because the bookmarks-for-sorting intentionally include an anchor '#^-' (a link to a block '-' in the file). This is needed to let the bookmarks-for-sorting not interfere with real bookmarks.

While your goal is obviously to make it work on your side, my intentions is to fix the potential bug. Thank you in advance for any further input and clarifications to my questions!

arthniwa commented 8 months ago

Hi SebastianMC,

Thank you for the detailed reply and sorry about this. I found that it is due to my misreading. I read it as "Bookmark it+children for custom sorting" since I wanted to sort a folder, whereas in reality it's "siblings".