SebastianMC / obsidian-custom-sort

Take full control over the order and sorting of folders and notes in File Explorer in Obsidian
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[Feature Request] Include default "collapsed" state for folders? #33

Closed wwwald closed 1 year ago

wwwald commented 1 year ago

Awesome plugin, has cleared up my whole daily journal tree!

I've been wanting a similar thing for the "collapsed" state of folders. For example, I have a "contacts" folders that contains about 900 individual files by now. Whenever I add a contact, this folders gets expanded in the file explorer, causing a whole lot of scrolling to make it collapsed again. If the YAML sorting language would include a default "collapsed" state too, this could be automated. I wouldn't need to manually collapse folders like "contacts" 12 times a day.

So: would it be hard to add a default "collapsed" state to the YAML spec?

SebastianMC commented 1 year ago

Hi @wwwald

my first impressions are:

Yet, before saying a definite no to the idea of 'collapse feature' I think I can give it a second chance. There is always a place for a hidden or advanced feature, if it is useful and doesn't interfere with the main function of the module.

To take a closer look I need to better understand the requested function and/or relevant scenarios:

The more I think about it, the less clear it becomes how the feature should work from the user perspective. And what is the actual expected outcome? Is it the collapse operation indeed or maybe hiding the items?

Maybe all you need is a function 'hide all items in a folder'? Not really a collapse operation, but maybe sufficient? In that case, to see the list of items in a folder again you would need to turn off the custom sorting (via ribbon button). Implementation of such 'hide all items' looks trivial, on top on current version of the plugin

What do you think? Could you please share some more insight on that?

thanks, Seb

SebastianMC commented 1 year ago

Hi @wwwald

not having further input from you since Nov '22, I'm closing the ticket. Feel free to reopen it if we can discuss it further

thanks, Seb