SebastianSolisFenger / my-portfolio-microverse

The portfolio website of Sebastian Solis Fenger showcases projects built by me. It's been built with a responsive and soft design using HTML, CSS, and Javascript.
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milestone1_header_headline_pullrequest #2

Closed SebastianSolisFenger closed 2 years ago

SebastianSolisFenger commented 2 years ago

Created a feature branch from the main portfolio branch with a prototype of its header and heading to be reviewed. I used linters, CSS and HTML. On the other hand, I could make the hover effect work on the icons and the button "Let's connect", I would appreciate it if you could tell me why is it not working. I have tried my best, but I haven't come up with a solution yet. Thanks.

SebastianSolisFenger commented 2 years ago

Hi, I Appreciate your suggestions. Would you be so kind of helping me to know why the hover is not working on these links nor in the "let's get it" button? because it's working on the navbar buttons.

keroloussamy commented 2 years ago

Hello @SebastianSolisFenger For your question

The reason is this position: absolute; role, it makes your section like have something on it, when you try to hove the buttons not working, because like there is a layout over it. if you delete position: absolute; the hover will work.

Kindly remember to mention the reviewer in your comment to let him get a notification.