SebastianThiebaud / STTweetLabel

Deprecated - A UILabel with #hashtag @handle and links tappable
MIT License
655 stars 137 forks source link

textContainer iOS 6 #46

Closed haxinc closed 10 years ago

haxinc commented 10 years ago

Sorry for bothering you .. but it show this error when I build the project with iOS 6

-[UITextView textContainer]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0xc1d8e00

SebastianThiebaud commented 10 years ago

Read the README: "Important: STTweetLabel 3.0 is based on TextKit and is not compatible under iOS 7."

haxinc commented 10 years ago

I try the demo project from your side and is show

'-[NSTextContainer initWithSize:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance

It works well with iOS 7

SebastianThiebaud commented 10 years ago

TextKit is available since iOS7. If you try the sample project with iOS 6 it won't work.

haxinc commented 10 years ago

So must I understand that STTweetLabel it will work just for iOS 7 ?

SebastianThiebaud commented 10 years ago

Yes. You can use STTweetLabel 2.x for iOS 6.

haxinc commented 10 years ago

Ah Okay .. I understand now .. Thanks alot

jlott1 commented 10 years ago

I think the phrase "... not compatible under iOS 7" is a bit confusing. I think you mean to say "not compatible with versions below iOS 7" or "only compatible with iOS 7 and above" or "not compatible with iOS 6 and below"

jlott1 commented 10 years ago

So my concern is that for people using version 2.0, there is still the issue #32 that happens in iOS 6

SebastianThiebaud commented 10 years ago

You're right!