Sebobo / Shel.Neos.CommandBar

A commandbar (CMK+K) for Neos CMS
MIT License
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Define use cases and useful commands #10

Open Sebobo opened 1 year ago

Sebobo commented 1 year ago

Use cases and ideas

PRGfx commented 1 year ago

Some additional ideas:

Sebobo commented 1 year ago

Hi @PRGfx, thx for the ideas. Some notes:

PRGfx commented 1 year ago

Oh I didn't notice the hotkey actions are already available, cool. Some naming could probably improved, yes (for example "Live" for the preview mode isn't really descriptive imo, but thats off topic).

As for the node-trees: true, I mostly used this after migrations etc when I don't want to reload the whole backend ^^ But good point with updating changes from editors. It was more a thought about how most actions should probably also be available to fuzzy search and the ones without context (i.e. not depending on the selected node etc) are probably lower hanging fruits, but in fact the usefulness is probably limited – as long as the overall tabbability of the backend is a bit difficult, I feel like I would still need to click buttons a lot anyways.