SecDbg / Prince-Ransomware

Go ransomware utilising ChaCha20 and ECIES encryption.
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How to fud it #1

Open lastk226 opened 5 days ago

lastk226 commented 5 days ago

How to edit and remove the detected part or how to fud it

SecDbg commented 4 days ago

Anecdotes from some Sigma Males: "whos gonna tell him 😭" "subway cheeseburger terrorism" "Explain in fortnite termss"

A wise tale for yee: The Thread of Fortune: A Tale of a Poor Man and a Princess

Once upon a time, in the heart of a quiet and humble village nestled between two great kingdoms, lived a man named Tobias. He was known as a kind-hearted and industrious soul, though poverty clung to him like a shadow. Tobias was a weaver, skilled in crafting fine tapestries and garments, yet his fortune had always been meager. He lived in a small, weather-beaten cottage on the edge of the village, his hands often sore from the long days spent at his loom.

Despite his hardships, Tobias possessed a dreamer’s spirit. He would often sit by the river that ran past his cottage, watching the world move around him with a quiet smile. He believed that life, in its mysterious ways, held some spark of magic. Even in his poverty, he found joy in the beauty of nature and in the kindness of his neighbors. But deep down, a yearning stirred—a desire for a life beyond his limited world, for a love that would make his heart sing.

One fateful day, as the sun began to set over the rolling hills, Tobias received an unexpected visitor. A royal messenger, adorned in rich garments, rode into the village on horseback, carrying an ornate scroll sealed with the insignia of the nearby kingdom of Lumeria. The villagers gathered curiously as the messenger approached Tobias.

“Tobias the Weaver,” the messenger announced, unrolling the scroll. “By order of Princess Isabella of Lumeria, you are summoned to the royal palace at once. The princess herself has chosen you for a matter of great importance.”

The words hung in the air like a chord of music that no one could understand. The villagers, wide-eyed and astonished, whispered amongst themselves. Tobias was just as baffled, but his heart raced with a strange excitement. He had never met the princess, nor had he ever been to the palace. What could a man of his station possibly offer to royalty?

With little more than the clothes on his back, Tobias was whisked away to the palace that very night. As he traveled, his mind spun with questions. What would the princess want with a poor weaver? Was it a mistake? Or perhaps some strange twist of fate?

When Tobias arrived at the palace, he was awestruck. The grandeur of the royal halls, with their towering columns and glittering chandeliers, was unlike anything he had ever seen. Servants dressed in finery scurried past, attending to every corner of the vast palace. Before he could gather his bearings, he was led into a grand chamber where Princess Isabella awaited.

The princess was seated on a throne of gold, her radiant beauty filling the room with warmth. She had long, flowing hair the color of spun gold, and her eyes, a deep shade of blue, sparkled with both wisdom and kindness. Tobias bowed awkwardly, unsure of how to present himself in such high company.

“Rise, Tobias,” the princess said in a voice as soft as a summer breeze. “You need not bow before me. I have heard of your skill as a weaver, and I require your help.”

Tobias stood, his heart thudding in his chest. “Your Highness, I am honored beyond words. But what could a poor weaver like myself offer to someone as grand as you?”

Princess Isabella smiled gently. “You are more than you realize, Tobias. In my hands, I hold a piece of cloth unlike any other. It is said to be enchanted, woven from the threads of fate itself. But it has been damaged, and only one with a pure heart and skilled hands can repair it.”

Tobias glanced at the cloth the princess held. It shimmered in the light, with hues of silver and gold that seemed to change with each movement. As he looked closer, he could see the intricate patterns woven into it—symbols and shapes that he could not understand but felt strangely familiar, as if they spoke to something deep within his soul.

“I will try, Your Highness,” Tobias said, his voice steady despite the awe he felt.

For days and nights, Tobias worked tirelessly on the cloth. His fingers moved with care, guided not just by his skill, but by something greater. He wove and stitched, losing himself in the work until the cloth was restored to its former glory. When he finally finished, the cloth glowed with an otherworldly light, and a strange sense of peace washed over him.

Princess Isabella was overjoyed with the result. “You have done what no other could, Tobias,” she said. “This cloth is more than just fabric—it is a symbol of destiny. And in repairing it, you have sealed your own.”

Tobias looked at the princess, confused. “My destiny, Your Highness?”

“Yes,” she replied. “For you see, Tobias, I have long been searching for something far more precious than wealth or power. I have searched for a soul as pure as yours, someone who could stand beside me not as a servant, but as an equal—as my partner in both life and the journey ahead.”

The room fell silent as the weight of her words settled upon Tobias. The princess was proposing something unthinkable—a poor weaver marrying royalty. It seemed impossible, like a dream woven from the threads of a storybook.

“Your Highness,” Tobias began, his voice trembling, “I am but a simple man. How could I ever be worthy of someone like you?”

Princess Isabella stepped forward and gently took his hand. “Worth is not measured by riches, Tobias. It is measured by the heart, by kindness, by courage. And in you, I see all that and more.”

Tobias’ heart swelled with emotions he could barely comprehend. Was this truly happening? Could a man of such humble origins really marry a princess?

The kingdom of Lumeria buzzed with the news of the royal engagement. Many were shocked, some even dismayed, that Princess Isabella had chosen to marry a commoner. But as the days passed, the people came to see what the princess had seen in Tobias. He was humble, compassionate, and full of integrity. His presence brought joy to the kingdom, and soon enough, even the naysayers could not deny the happiness the union brought.

The wedding was a grand affair, unlike anything the kingdom had ever witnessed. Tobias, now dressed in royal attire, still carried the same humble grace he had always known. Princess Isabella wore the enchanted cloth Tobias had repaired, now transformed into a gown that shimmered like the stars. The two stood before the kingdom, hand in hand, as they were united in both love and destiny.

After the wedding, Tobias and Isabella ruled the kingdom with kindness and wisdom. Tobias never forgot his roots, and together with Isabella, they worked to ensure that Lumeria was a place of fairness and opportunity for all its people, regardless of their station in life.

Years passed, and the kingdom flourished under their rule. Tobias, once a poor weaver, had found not only love but a life of purpose. And though his story was extraordinary, he never lost the humility and gratitude that had carried him through his most difficult days.

As for Princess Isabella, she had found in Tobias a partner who shared her values and dreams. Together, they wove a life that was rich not in material wealth, but in love, kindness, and the happiness of their people.

And so, the tale of Tobias and Isabella became legend—a story passed down through the generations, reminding all who heard it that true worth lies not in wealth or status, but in the heart. The enchanted cloth, repaired by Tobias, remained a symbol of their union, a testament to the idea that destiny, like the finest tapestry, is something we create with our own hands, stitch by stitch.

And they lived happily ever after, weaving the threads of their lives into a tapestry more beautiful than either could have imagined.