SecKatie / ha-wyzeapi

Home Assistant Integration for Wyze devices.
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[Feature Request] Wyze Sense Hub Sensors #389

Closed baughtj closed 2 years ago

baughtj commented 2 years ago

Are there plans for supporting Entry Sensor V2, Climate Sensor, and Motion Sensor V2?

YagiBear commented 2 years ago

I second this request! I would love to get access to these in home assistant. Right now I have created a number of webhook triggers using IFTTT for my door contact closures to trigger and notify HASS whenever there's a change on Wyze. Not the most elegant, but I am hoping it will due until this can be implemented

SecKatie commented 2 years ago

Unfortunately this cannot be done. Please see this issue:

baughtj commented 2 years ago

@YagiBear would you be able to provide a quick guide of your IFTTT Webhook for HA?

YagiBear commented 2 years ago


First things first I went to my settings, devices, over to the helpers tab and created input_boolean helpers for each one of the sensors I wanted to track. you can set these to hidden, though I like to have them available when the odd sensor gets stuck. I then went into my binary_sensor.yaml and added binary sensors for each input_boolean i created above and linked them (e.g. binary_sensor.front_door_contact). here is what the sensor yaml should look like:

Next you need a webhook endpoint Take a look at the IFTTT integration for incoming webhooks, you will need to setup a webhook endpoint for homeassistant to receive:

Alternatively, you can create a new automation with a webhook as a trigger, you can use the webhook ID (everything after the hyphen e.g. New-Automation-{webhook id} )

once you have a webhook you can go into IFTTT and create a new applet, you will pick Wyze as the trigger, you will link your Wyze account... select when a contact sensor opens (or closes) and choose your sensor.

Next, the action will be webhook > make a web request.

In the URL box, put your home assistant web facing URL with the webhook: www.[your HA URL]/api/webhook/[webhook ID or endpoint] Method should be: POST Content Type: application/json

For Body you will follow this format: For opening a door: { "action": "call_service", "service": "input_boolean.turn_on", "entity_id": "input_boolean.bedroom_door_contact" } or closing a door: { "action": "call_service", "service": "input_boolean.turn_off", "entity_id": "input_boolean.bedroom_door_contact" }

Change the name of your input boolean for each input you are connecting, turn on for open and off for closed.

There is a more complex way to set this up with all sensors and putting the sensor name into the variables but I have yet to do this...

Once all of that is setup you should be ready to go, opening and closing doors should show up in your HA system.

I hope this helps, sorry, I'm not to good at the tutorials. Let me know if you have further questions.