SecUSo / privacy-friendly-shopping-list

Privacy Friendly App to create and manage shoppings lists on Android devices.
Apache License 2.0
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Products of the same name and filtering #76

Open vinniec opened 4 years ago

vinniec commented 4 years ago

it is very nice that the program remembers the products previously inserted, but if you insert products with the same name but a different description the program suggests only one (maybe the first inserted). for example if you buy the same product but in two different stores with two different prices it's good to be able to choice. So, could you add the possibility to choose a product from the list of those with the same name but different other descriptions when you do the research to add products to a list? (maybe adding a submenu or allowing the horizzontal swipe of the product on the list ?) It would also be convenient to be able to filter the list of products to add for example a product only from a category or shop,