SecUSo / privacy-friendly-shopping-list

Privacy Friendly App to create and manage shoppings lists on Android devices.
Apache License 2.0
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Feature request: import/export from/to txt files #8

Open shervin86 opened 7 years ago

shervin86 commented 7 years ago

It would be useful to be able to export all the data (not the photo) in simple text format. The file can be used as backup or edited with your favourite text editor or simply shared with someone else with the same app (having not only the items and quantities, but also the price and the shop).

Yonjuni commented 7 years ago

Should also be considered here:

paulle commented 7 years ago

import/export from/to txt files would be great. it would be nice to if one could choose or write a unit for the quantity (g, kg, l, etc.)

bcm0 commented 7 years ago

I would like to know if it's possible to implement this feature and what permissions are required.

sefernet commented 6 years ago

+1 Pleeeaseee!

Tvax commented 6 years ago

Would be useful

midros commented 6 years ago

+1 it would be great to have the option to export and then import the stored list (including photos), especially in case you change the device where the app is installed. (not necessarily in txt format)

bobblkabb commented 6 years ago


annihat commented 3 years ago

.CSV (Comma Separated Variable) is an obvious candidate because it's generic to all platforms & can be processed by any text editor, spreadsheet or database app of any age or by text-mode tools like sed, grep & awk but can have problems with comma-separated content such as #56 (categories or stores as tags) & #85 (multiple stores)

.TSV (Tab Separated Variable) is similarly generic & deals with comma-separated content but the user would have to be careful not to allow their text editor to convert tabs to spaces