Seconb / Roblox-Colorbot

A tool that aims at enemy outlines in Roblox games.
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Colorbot isnt aiming on the player at all #17

Open galazyman opened 6 months ago

galazyman commented 6 months ago

And before seconb u say "change the color" it doesnt work on any color its just broken and everytime i press my hotkey to make the aimbot enable it doesnt work at all and this pops up image_2024-01-05_233852974

Seconb commented 6 months ago

try uninstalling python and installing a different version (instead of 3.11 you would go to 3.12, 3.10, or 3.9)

galazyman commented 6 months ago

okay scratch that its actually just opening without the nonetype error but its still not locking onto players

galazyman commented 6 months ago

please respond back it hasnt been working at all for 2 days

Seconb commented 6 months ago

please respond back it hasnt been working at all for 2 days

am i not allowed to sleep?

explain further, is it opening and working fine except without locking onto players?

galazyman commented 6 months ago

sorry. yes it is opening and working fine just not locking onto players. its 11 am so i didnt think u were busy

Seconb commented 6 months ago

try this (quoted from the troubleshooting guide)

Not aiming at all? Make sure you set the color correctly. You must FULLY slide the R G B bar under "Enemy Color Outlines". Also make sure you did the part where you slide each color bar fully to the right then fully to the left before setting the correct color (fixes an Arsenal bug). If that doesn't work, try exiting "True" Fullscreen or attempting to use WindowedFullscreen (both of these are not included with default Roblox). If this doesn't work, try it without Bloxstrap or any other optimized Roblox version. If you are using the UWP, try using the web version. Please also ensure that Valorant, FACEIT, or any EAC-protected games are closed. (These anti-cheats either block or will ban you for using this script even though you are not actively using it in their game)

also make sure your settings are good (fov, speed, and color. cam fov at like 70 and aim fov at whatever you want greater than 10 and less than 70, speed under 1, color matches properly and isn’t the same as your crosshair color)

galazyman commented 6 months ago

Okay, it fixed with bloxstrap but when i use normal roblox itself it doesnt work at all