Seconb / Roblox-Colorbot

A tool that aims at enemy outlines in Roblox games.
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Changing self.switchmode's value to 0 #34

Closed premiumfrog closed 3 days ago

premiumfrog commented 4 days ago

Changes it to be hold on default, most people who use this program don't want it going on constantly, i was originally going to make it a changeable thing in the config but A: idk how the FUCK python works and B: idk where the fuck the variable shit is and i don't want to bother looking for it :D

lots of my friends who I've recommended this cheat were annoyed by changing it from toggle to switch EVERY SINGLE TIME 😭


Seconb commented 4 days ago

"most people who use this program don't want it going on constantly"

wrong, it used to be hold on default and everyone hated it in the thunder client discord, genuinely like tons of people would get so angry

Seconb commented 4 days ago

ill add a setting in config to change it

premiumfrog commented 4 days ago

ill add a setting in config to change it

thank you gang