SecondHalfGames / JoltC

C wrapper for Jolt Physics
Apache License 2.0
9 stars 1 forks source link

API Coverage: ContactListener #6

Open LPGhatguy opened 2 months ago

DagAgren commented 1 month ago

This is one big thing I am missing, for sound effects.

LPGhatguy commented 1 month ago

Collision sound effects are something I've been meaning to tackle in our game!

What are the critical APIs to implement that feature? I've never implemented collision sounds in a game before and I had some trouble figuring out the best approach in Jolt or in Rapier.

DagAgren commented 1 month ago

No idea really, I'm new to Jolt as well. I figured I'd just try a ContactListener and have it check the materials and queue appropriate sound effects and see if that worked.