This provides an overall summary or context of a member, when they became involved and how many days they have worked.
This is supplemented with a contribution vote by peers to capture the more intangible contribution a member has made.
Date joined SecretDecks: [April 1st 2021]
Hours worked (this month): [79 Hours]
Local hourly rate in USD: [40 $]
[ ] Contribution vote: [@wlstylr @evolayak]
Work spaces
A member can indicate the different work spaces they have engaged in and provide an estimate of hours worked in each space.
The spaces are Operations, Website, Governance, Content & Metaverse and Intangible work.
Intangible work is meant to capture contributions not covered by the scope of a work area.
hours spent: 36h 30m
[x] Outputs : meeting prep & minutes, on 2 off chain proposal for fund 6, Founders Drop workshop, Process visualisation, anon voting Discord bot, GItHub maintenance, ZenHub setup, Work Reward Mechanism Fund 6 proposal, Social Media
[x] Outputs : Founders Drop and intro content in GitBook, Ideafest presentation, more GitBook content
Intangible work
[ ] Onboarding Artists
[x] Greeting new members
[ ] Mentoring
[ ] Social / Emotional Support
[ ] Communicating news and ideas in Discord
[ ] Outputs : What has been produced, built, documented etc.
Peer Review
After the survey each contribution is assessed for due diligence by members of the appropriate space work squad - to confirm that there is agreement that the work took place etc.
Reward and evaluation
Once the above process is completed a member may choose either or both to be awarded -
[x] ADA
[ ] A recognition Token that simply records the above contribution.
Cost & Remuneration Calculation
For now we need to calculate manually, this will be upgraded by end of December.
Total amount = 3160 $
The ADA/EUR exchange rate will be calculated before funds are distributed
SecretDecks DisCo - Contribution-Survey
The key approach is to capture contributions first and assess value last.
Detailed Explanation below
Why ? Because value led models typically dictate the nature of contributions e.g. a financial incentive contribution model will tend to favor immediate returns, an equal share of rewards upfront will penalize those who have contributed more than others etc.
A contribution led model either tracks or audits ACO member contributions first. Then rewards (in ADA) or recognition (in a Token) are applied to the contribution data afterwards.
This survey encourages DisCo members to identify themselves as it provides a record of their contribution.
However an anon ID option should be available and peer reviewed per work area.
SecretDecks DisCo - Contribution-Survey
[Detailed Explanation below]
General Information
This provides an overall summary or context of a member, when they became involved and how many days they have worked. This is supplemented with a contribution vote by peers to capture the more intangible contribution a member has made.
Work spaces
A member can indicate the different work spaces they have engaged in and provide an estimate of hours worked in each space. The spaces are Operations, Website, Governance, Content & Metaverse and Intangible work. Intangible work is meant to capture contributions not covered by the scope of a work area.
Content & Metaverse
Intangible work
Peer Review
After the survey each contribution is assessed for due diligence by members of the appropriate space work squad - to confirm that there is agreement that the work took place etc.
Reward and evaluation
Once the above process is completed a member may choose either or both to be awarded -
Cost & Remuneration Calculation
For now we need to calculate manually, this will be upgraded by end of December.
[hours worked: 79] * [local hourly rate: 40] = 3160 $
Total amount = 3160 $ The ADA/EUR exchange rate will be calculated before funds are distributed
SecretDecks DisCo - Contribution-Survey
The key approach is to capture contributions first and assess value last. Detailed Explanation below
Why ? Because value led models typically dictate the nature of contributions e.g. a financial incentive contribution model will tend to favor immediate returns, an equal share of rewards upfront will penalize those who have contributed more than others etc.
A contribution led model either tracks or audits ACO member contributions first. Then rewards (in ADA) or recognition (in a Token) are applied to the contribution data afterwards.
This survey encourages DisCo members to identify themselves as it provides a record of their contribution.
However an anon ID option should be available and peer reviewed per work area.
DAO Contribution-Survey Design by Stephen Whitenstall is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.