Secretchronicles / TSC

An open source two-dimensional platform game.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Pango the pangolin #199

Open Quintus opened 9 years ago

Quintus commented 9 years ago

A new enemy. We already have SVG graphics over on the SMC forums.

Vale, Quintus

datahead8888 commented 9 years ago

This almost looks like a mecha enemy. If this is true, it would complement the furbot enemy very well.

Bugsbane commented 9 years ago

I'm ok with the enemy design per se, but this grew out of the initial sketches for Army, and as such it's clearly an armadillo and looks nothing like a pangolin. At some stage I would actually like to design a pangolin enemy, so if we're using this, I suggest that we change the name from something pangolin based (Pango) to something armadillo based (Dillo? Dylan?) For the record, the design on the forum:

forum enemy

An actual pangolin:


It has scales along it's whole body, not large pieces of armour, it has a smooth pointed head, not a round head with a snout, and it has a long, smooth tail, not a small tail poking out of it's backside, pangolin's also don't have ears. While we're obviously not aiming to be science textbook, generally, we still want enemies to be recognizable (just as the turtles in SMB could still be recognized as turtles).

The current design also doesn't fit with the game's shading style (decided by Fluxy long ago in a large, lengthy discussion). Currently it uses flat shading, where shadows, hilights and shading gradients are supposed to be used.

The helmet and boots do work well though, and he is cute.

datahead8888 commented 9 years ago

We would want to go ahead and open a new ticket for the new enemy based on the old pango graphics. Is it possible to modify the shading for this enemy?

I assume this task could be for the new pangolin graphics.

How would mecha army sound for the enemy for the old graphics? Army bot doesn't have a good ring.

We'll just want to make sure these new enemies offer some new variety in types of movement other than walking, etc, to make the game more diverse.

Bugsbane commented 9 years ago

I'm sure the shading could be finished off if the original SVG's could be found, and we could create a new issue for a pangolin enemy. We can discuss movement patterns there.

As to a name of a mecha armadillo... Dillobot?

Quintus commented 9 years ago

How would mecha army sound for the enemy for the old graphics? Army bot doesn't have a good ring.

The available SVGs would probably make a good mecha enemy indeed. Maybe some screws could be added to it so it does look even more mecha.

Name... hmm... I like "Dillobot". I don’t have a better suggestion at hand currently.

Vale, Quintus

datahead8888 commented 9 years ago

I was a bit afraid someone might mistake Dillobot for a derivation of a name like Dillan (I got confused at first until I realized dillo was from armadillo). The Army name doesn't have the syllable "dillo" in it. We also might be careful how many enemies we suffix with "bot".

Mecha Army might add an interesting sci fi flavor to the game.