Secretchronicles / TSC

An open source two-dimensional platform game.
GNU General Public License v3.0
207 stars 50 forks source link

I build an packages for Ubuntu 18.04 :) #637

Closed boospy closed 5 years ago

boospy commented 5 years ago

Hello all,

and thanks for the really nice game. For easy installation i build a packages for Ubuntu 18.04. It can easy installed from us Repository:

apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver 2FAB19E7CCB7F415
echo "deb bionic main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/iteas.list
apt update
apt install tsc

Have Fun! :+1:

xet7 commented 5 years ago


How did you build it? Is there some build script somewhere?

boospy commented 5 years ago

Yes, with some notifications cmake works.

xet7 commented 5 years ago


What commands did you run to build package?

boospy commented 5 years ago
git submodule init
git submodule update
make -j40
make install 
xet7 commented 5 years ago


AFAIK those commands only build and install TSC.

How did you build .deb package? With what commands?

boospy commented 5 years ago

How did you build .deb package? With what commands?

Nothing... i'am not a developer. After make install i copy all the content in my packagebuilddirectory and build the package manually with dpkg.

xet7 commented 5 years ago


How do you build it manually? What you copy where? What is the directory structure? And dpkg commands?

boospy commented 5 years ago

Install the package and you see the structure.

dpkg -b tsc-paketbau /mnt/Downloads/tsc_2.1.0+git20180909-1alpha_amd64.deb

Quintus commented 5 years ago

It surely looks nice. I don't have the time to look at it in detail right now, but be sure that it is appreciated. Did you take advantage of the work in the abandoned PR #448?

Which TSC branch is your package based on?

-- Blog: PGP/GPG ID: F1D8799FBCC8BC4F

boospy commented 5 years ago

This is the actually devbranche here from git. 2.1dev. Thanks for #448 maybe with this infos it is easier to build packages in the future.

Quintus commented 5 years ago


so, now I have a little more time than yesterday. This looks promising. @xet7, would you mind to test if the package properly works on a clean 18.04 system (e.g. by testing via a VM)?

@boospy, we currently have the problem that we have no people who build this kind of packages for Linux distributions. Do you think you could follow TSC development and keep building packages as the development progresses? If so, we should move your APT repository over to and officially endorse it as a means to get a current copy of TSC. We can surely arrange it to give you the required access to alexandria (our server).


-- Blog: PGP/GPG ID: F1D8799FBCC8BC4F

boospy commented 5 years ago


i've tested the package on an Xubuntu 18.04 plain installation on KVM-Spice. The Game is working fine. I can help to build packages for Ubuntu's, because we need the packages in our customers schools too ;) I can not promise how much time I will have for this, but I will do my best.

If future bugs with the packages exists someone must tag me here on git. Or is #448 farther the right place?


Quintus commented 5 years ago

Am 16. September 2018 um 11:40 Uhr -0700 schrieb Mario Loderer:

I can help to build packages for Ubuntu's, because we need the packages in our customers schools too ;) I can not promise how much time I will have for this, but I will do my best.

That's what we're all doing here. Everyone of us here considers TSC as a free-time project, which naturally means that there's only a limited slot of time available.

The only request I have is that if you decide to permanently cease creation of the packages, you should please notify us of that.

If future bugs with the packages exists someone must tag me here on git. Or is #448 farther the right place?

Please don't write anything to #448, because that PR is closed and should not be hijacked. For anything that is not related to TSC's code we have a mailing list/web forum available which you should consider subscribing to. The mailing list and forum are mirrored, so you can use whatever you prefer.

The mailing list is quite low traffic and has the advantage of delivering any relevant discussions directly to your mail inbox.

Finally, if you like the game and like to have occasional chats on it, feel free to join our IRC channel #secretchronicles on Someone from the team usually hangs around there.

As for the GitHub tracker, I'll need to discuss with the rest of the TSC team. We can add you to the Secretchronicles GitHub organisation (and by extension, to the TSC team), which would make it possible to assign tickets to you on the tracker in case someone reports them. It would also better reflect the access to something below the domain.


-- Blog: PGP/GPG ID: F1D8799FBCC8BC4F

Quintus commented 5 years ago

Disussion on the mailing list:

-- Blog: PGP/GPG ID: F1D8799FBCC8BC4F

Quintus commented 5 years ago

Please apologise that we're a little slow. It appears that nobody is opposed to incorporating your efforts into our infrastructure. Please subscribe to our mailinglist and discuss the details of building packages with @sydneyjd. He'll grant you the required access or set up the programs that you need. You will also receive an invitation to our GitHub organisation.

Quintus commented 5 years ago

@sydneyjd @boospy So, what's the state of this?

boospy commented 5 years ago

Hello :) haven't enough to build packages with new script, but if we do an update here on the schools, we will build it once new with documentation. The last builed package works here. Children have a lot of fun with.

sydneyjd commented 5 years ago

@boospy Hey! When you get time to build new packages,please feel free to contact me and I will help you set them up and host them officially on Alexandria(Our Server). We would appreciate being able to host them, and will officially endorse them if we migrate the APT repository's for the packages to Alexandria. Let me know if I am able to help you in any way.


Quintus commented 5 years ago

@boospy @sydneyjd Status of this? I want to get the package onto the website quickly.

boospy commented 5 years ago

I will build new packages this week.

boospy commented 5 years ago

I've build one new package. Same process like the last package. But i can't start the game. Very strange path is there.

terminate called after throwing an instance of 'boost::filesystem::filesystem_error'
  what():  boost::filesystem::status: Permission denied: "/root/tsc/share/tsc/packages"
zsh: abort      tsc
refi64 commented 5 years ago

@boospy Check your CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX setting.

boospy commented 5 years ago

Now it works. New packages on available. @sydneyjd feel free to contact me for migrate the package on your Alexandria too.

sydneyjd commented 5 years ago

Thanks Boospy, the package looks and works great! Now we just have to get this pull request merged and it will be publicly listed and hosted on the Secretchronicles server. We would appreciate it if you would possibly consider maintaining this package for Ubuntu for a decent length of time, and if you are able to do so we may create a custom apt repository just for the game. Please keep us posted on what you plan to do. Thanks so much!

boospy commented 5 years ago

Yes i maintaining this package for Ubuntu for a longer time (only for LTS), because we use TSC @our Customers in schools for the children. They love the game. :)

Quintus commented 5 years ago

Quite interesting use of TSC. We are always glad to hear it's being used! And thank you for offering maintenance of the .deb package. LTS only is absolutely okay.

As you're appearently an active user of the game, let me point out that TSC is in need of new levels for the upcoming 2.1.0 release. As of now, the level set between 2.0.0 and 2.1.0 is not exactly different. I think I can speak for the entire TSC team when I say that it would be very nice if you took the time to read through the most recent story proposal and try building one or two of the possible levels mentioned in that proposal. Give the current state of the project, I don't expect any major changes to the story described in that proposal, though you're of course welcome to provide input on the story question. It would be very nice if you could hang around in our IRC channel #secretchronicles on on a more or less regular base (given you're already a TSC team member anyway).

Once enough levels for the new story have been crafted, I expect them to take over the primary campaign from the current one, which is effectively just a random collection of levels we as devs found nice at some point in time. They have no storyline leading through them.

pirate486743186 commented 5 years ago

consider using openSUSE Build Service

it will be a normal repo. their system can build for other distros too and appimages. it can pull code directly from github.

Quintus commented 5 years ago

@pirate486743186 Please don't hijack threads with only tangentially related suggestions. It looks like you want to make a more generic suggestion as you already posted that in #614. Please create a new ticket for the topic.

Quintus commented 5 years ago

On the topic of this thread, the Ubuntu package has already been pushed to the website. @boospy you might want to close the ticket as resolved. For uploading new packages, it's probably sufficient if you ping sydney, refi, or me.