Section508Coordinators / DHSA-TT-200-A

Purely for tracking issues related to the Trusted Tester - Training for Web on Windows course
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SC 1.2.3 and SC 1.2.5 in Section 508 Standards course #407

Open AnnMarieDavis opened 4 years ago

AnnMarieDavis commented 4 years ago

Issue Type


For topic “Success Criteria 1.2.3 Audio Description or Media Alternative (Prerecorded) and 1.2.5 Audio Description (Prerecorded)”, it might be good to include information like level A or AA, because it might be a little confusing why there are two very similar SCs were listed


Actual Behavior / Observation


Expected Behavior / Recommendation

We made a decision NOT to include Level A and AA in the course. However, we may want to revisit that or consider clarifying content in this section. Issue submitted by Shou-Ching Schilling

AnnMarieDavis commented 4 years ago

Kristen Smith's input - While this may be a nice addition, I don't think it is needed. We state up front what Section 508 is based off of and we don't put level A or AA next to each Sc. Might be something to consider changing later, but in m opinion, not really necessary.

AnnMarieDavis commented 4 years ago

Andrew Nielson's input: It could be helpful to add a note to explain that since the Section 508 regulation requires conformance up to Level AA, in this case, if content conforms to 1.2.5 then it also conforms to 1.2.3. Furthermore, when it comes to the Trusted Tester test process, we only test for the 1.2.5 SC, because we do not test for partial conformance of the Section 508 requirement (i.e., 1.2.3 is essentially only a portion of the 1.2.5 SC).