Open headquarters opened 4 years ago
The incorrect answer sheet appears to have been inadvertently been applied to this exam instance. Tony, can you look at this.
The feedback on the final page is wrong for one of the 14.B failure scenarios. In the screenshot provided, you can see that there is a red dotted line around the top left cell of the table. That is because there is no scope applied to the header cells. Because the top left cell could be either a column or row header, its children cannot be determined by AT without scope applied.
so this actually is a failure and scored correctly, but the reason given on the summary page is wrong. There is another possible failure scenario where the table is incorrectly marked up as a presentation table. That scenario's reasoning is being given on both failure scenarios.
That is because there is no scope applied to the header cells. Because the top left cell could be either a column or row header, its children cannot be determined by AT without scope applied.
Thanks for that explanation, @Tonylayton1. I got tripped up on this a few times on various scenarios, where the upper left header is not treated as a header but all the other cells are programmatically linked properly. I'll leave the issue open because it sounds like there is still an issue with what is being reported, but if you'd rather open something else with more clear wording in the issue feel free to close it.
I think its okay to keep this one open. I'll assign it to mike as now I'm wondering if the issue is that there cannot be multiple explanations for NC. If not we'll need to rewrite it to include both failures. @AnnMarieDavis or @mikebarklage, do either of you remember where the document that specifies the summary feedback resides?
Issue Type
A data table is incorrectly identified as a layout table in the answer to one of the Tables incremental exams.
Test Instance URL:<iUserId=9144&
Test Page URL:
Iframe URL (from test page):
Topic 14: Tables Tables - Incremental Practical Exam
Actual Behavior / Observation
I marked a data table has having correct cell header associations (the table HTML is below), but the output I received after submitting answers was:
The table HTML was (please excuse the ANDI metadata):
Screenshot of the problem with the test result on the left and the iframe and web inspector open on the right:
Expected Behavior / Recommendation
Expected this particular data table in the iframe to pass 14.B because there is no role="presentation" or other ARIA attributes to strip the table of its semantics. Also, each table cell was identified by its column and row heading so it should have passed.
Steps to Reproduce the Issue