Section508Coordinators / DHSA-TT-200-A

Purely for tracking issues related to the Trusted Tester - Training for Web on Windows course
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broken video links on several Trusted Tester Training Resources pages #518

Open gill-smoke opened 1 year ago

gill-smoke commented 1 year ago

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Issue Type (put a capital X between the brackets to indicate issue type)


On several pages of the Trusted Tester Training Resourc es there are videos that either will not play or have a broken link list in next section


[URL, Topic, Chapter, Subchapter] video demos 5.C Programmatic Label (loading) Topic 2: Auto-Playing and Auto-Updating Content (loading) Topic 4: Keyboard Access and Focus (media could not be loaded) Topic 6: Links and Buttons (media could not be loaded) Topic 10: Content Structure (media could not be loaded all 3 vids) Topic 11: Language (media could not be loaded) Topic 12: Page Titles, Frames, and iFrames 12.B Page Title Purpose (loading) 12.C Frame Title (media could not be loaded) 12.D iFrame Name (media could not be loaded) Topic 13: Sensory Characteristics and Contrast (media could not be loaded both vids) Topic 14: Tables (media could not be loaded both vids) Topic 15: CSS Content and Positioning (media could not be loaded)

Actual Behavior / Observation

either a loading gif or an error displayed

Expected Behavior / Recommendation

video should load and be playable

Steps to Reproduce the Issue (if applicable)

navigate to the listed pages and see the following


media unable to be loaded