Secure-Compliance-Solutions-LLC / GVM-Docker

Greenbone Vulnerability Management Docker Image with OpenVAS
MIT License
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[Bug] No Scan Configs available #280

Closed nestoru closed 2 years ago

nestoru commented 2 years ago

Steps to replicate:

  1. Run the container:
    docker run --detach --publish 8080:9392 --env PASSWORD="admin" --volume gvm-data:/data/gvm-data --name gvm securecompliance/gvm:latest-data-full
  2. Wait till the below shows up from 'docker logs gvm --follow':
    +     Greenbone Vulnerability Manager 21.4.3
    Manager DB revision 242
    Copyright (C) 2009-2021 Greenbone Networks GmbH
    License: AGPL-3.0-or-later
    This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
    There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
    + Your GVM container is now ready to use!                 +
  3. Login to https://localhost:8080 (even though PASSWORD=admin the var has no effect because the password is adminpassword)
  4. Go to https://localhost:8080/scanconfigs
  5. Expected: To see scan configs available. Actual: No scan configs at all.
  6. Create a target
  7. Try creating a task for the target selecting the openVAS scanner
  8. Expected: to save the task. Actual: Cant save with error "Failed to find config 'daba56c8-73ec-11df-a475-002264764cea'" due to point 5 above.
  9. Try creating a task for the target selecting the CVE scanner
  10. Expected: Same failure as point 8. Actual: success
  11. Run the CVE scanner configured task
  12. Expected: To take sometime and at least produce a report stating a false positive or any success related wording. Actual: Finishes immediately and a download of the report in CSV is empty, in PDF corrupted, in XML a valid doc but without scanning result info as shown below:
    <report extension="xml" id="27f3eef6-2f1e-4e12-805a-0b0940eac1d0" format_id="5057e5cc-b825-11e4-9d0e-28d24461215b" content_type="text/xml"><owner><name>admin</name></owner><name>2021-09-17T09:52:24Z</name><comment></comment><creation_time>2021-09-17T09:52:24Z</creation_time><modification_time>2021-09-17T09:52:24Z</modification_time><writable>0</writable><in_use>0</in_use><task id="0cebcc18-fd2b-47f8-b4c5-4e76cddc8f00"></task><report_format id="5057e5cc-b825-11e4-9d0e-28d24461215b"><name>Anonymous XML</name></report_format></report>%  
Dexus commented 2 years ago

Please use the BUG Report Template, and read the docs: