Security-Industry-Association / libosdp-conformance

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Need help on platform set-up #27

Open wzidemia opened 3 years ago

wzidemia commented 3 years ago

Hi, I am new to linux. I would like to use this OSDP tool to test with our devices. I followed the instruction and managed to have libosdp-conformance set up. But I am now stuck at Platform Set-up on Page 7. I am a bit confused by what I should do to set up HTML and CGI. When I typed http://tester/osdp-conformance-PD.html in my web browser, I got nothing. I can see the html files are under /opt/osdp-conformance/www. I can open them but when I clicked on the links they failed. I wonder if you can provide me detailed steps of what I should do to have the web UI setup. Thank you.

AKing23T commented 3 years ago

You can do as my follow: ①setup apache2 sudo apt-get install apache2 ②configure apache2 a. copy osdp.conf of libosdp-conformance/doc/linux-sample to /etc/apache2/sites-available, and create the link in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled, the command is sudo ln -s /etc/apache2/sites-available/osdp.conf osdp.conf, then you can delete the old other link. b.enable cgi, under /etc/apache2/mods-enabled to create three links about cgid.conf,cgid.load,cgi.load which are in ../available dir. c.create www-data user command: sudo adduser www-data put www-user file of libosdp-conformance/doc/linux-sample to /etc/sudoers.d/ dir and change file attribute, command: sudo chmod 440 www-user ③start apache2 command:sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 start