SecurityFTW / cs-suite

Cloud Security Suite - One stop tool for auditing the security posture of AWS/GCP/Azure infrastructure.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Kali Linux AWS tested? #2

Closed kkaspergit closed 6 years ago

kkaspergit commented 6 years ago

I just installed CS_Suite on Kali Linux AMI and am trying to get it working.

Where the instructions indicate to " Generate a set of ReadOnly AWS keys", are there specific Policies that I should select to grant this access? I noticed an error for ListAccountAliases so I found that permission in the AWSQuickSightListIAM policy and applied that. This fixed what was a fatal error but I am getting a ton of "(AccessDenied)" errors as is now running.

Also worth noting - another fatal error related to an out of range index ([0]) occurs when no aliases have been defined. That was easy enough to fix (customize the IAM URL) but not a graceful error handling.

shivankar-madaan commented 6 years ago

Can you also share the error's being thrown out as well.. when you run the Let me also update on what kind of IAM policy is exactly required.

kkaspergit commented 6 years ago

There are quite a few error warnings - so many that I will list the first bunch (with the username redacted) but that shouldn't be considered an exhaustive list. As for IAM policy requirement, I'm completely new to AWS and figured that locking down my first/new instance would be a good learning exercise so I'm not really sure about IAM policy requirements. I'm just running a Kali Linux AMI that I ssh into for now. Eventually, I'll setup a fresh instance with lessons learned to enable MetaSploit listeners and probably a SimpleHttpServer process. My current IAM setup has AmazonInspectorReadOnlyAccess, AmazonS3ReadOnlyAccess, and AWSQuickSightListIAM and the only reason I've set that up is to use CS_Suite.

Then I receive this over and over from prowler that seems to be running in it's own process:

shivankar-madaan commented 6 years ago

Yes.Got the error part of out of range index ([0]) ....will fix this Also can you provide read access to all the services for the AWS access keys That should resolve the above issue

shivankar-madaan commented 6 years ago

Here is the policy name arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/ReadOnlyAccess

kkaspergit commented 6 years ago

Much better now - not sure why I was unable to find it searching for "ReadOnly" but the fully qualified policy name located the right one and everything is happy now. Thanks.