SecurityLogMiner / log-collection-client

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check config file and connect to a dest socket #23

Open endepointe opened 7 months ago

endepointe commented 7 months ago

When the tool is run, a function shoudl check that the config file has all the default or modified fields needed to connect to the central server.

This could be done with a combination of a file hash AND checking the fields. We will see what works and what doesn't. The function will be named: check_config_file

endepointe commented 7 months ago

so far so good. the function checks the config file agsinst the config struct field names. Todo would be to ensure that all field names had been filled. That may take care of itself with the use of default values though.

endepointe commented 7 months ago

using the read-config branch to read the config and establish tcp connection with a listening server

endepointe commented 6 months ago

the server has a test deployment running on one of the instances in AWS. I documented the following in the client code but running the client needs to manually enter the destination ip.

The code does read the config file - the thing that is missing is writing the function that actually grabs and uses all the data in the config. At the moment, the only data grabbed is the log file path.