SecurityLogMiner / log-collection-client

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establish new branch rules for repos #26

Closed endepointe closed 6 months ago

endepointe commented 7 months ago

A free for all isnt going to work when pushing and pulling code changes. A single person will have to be in charge of a repo and have branch control. This will ensure code quality while not preventing people from writing their own code branch.

I suggest we include branch protection rules that require the review of one person for each repo.

I will take the client repo if no one minds. That leaves the server branch and frontend. We may need another branch for documentation as well.

Jicxer commented 7 months ago

I am free to take any of the branches. What would it entail if one person owns a branch? Would this part of the "A" branch that we discussed that rests upstream from the features branches?

endepointe commented 7 months ago

Still need to figure out how to add a rule the requires the specific review of an code owner. I will look some more either later tonight or tomorrow

josnhal commented 7 months ago

There is one code owner now - josnhal. I would rather us create an admin account that we all have access to. We can decide that later on. I made these changes so that the admins below have control over merges to corresponding repos.


endepointe commented 7 months ago

documentation and client repos have protection and rulsets in place.

josnhal commented 6 months ago

added branch rule for server branch. download the ruleset for future branches (attached)

developement protection.json