SecurityLogMiner / log-collection-client

Everything you do not see but feel the effects of.
Apache License 2.0
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Propose Version 0 #39

Open endepointe opened 5 months ago

endepointe commented 5 months ago

Currently, the event data is sent successfully to an S3 bucket. While this information is retrieval, this can only be done via downloading it. This is not what I would want to expect.

This does serve as a proof of concept that data is able to be sent from source to destination. Further setup is needed for improved data organization.

Remember that the Kinesis -> S3 bucket is not the only option for starting a collection service on AWS. There are other options that might be better suited to solve this disorganization/inconvenience problem described above.

It may take a day for one team member to implement another AWS service, using the same process of adding a module to the codebase. Whoever reaches a solution for this and shows that it is easily retrievable by either a GET request from the API or just by it being visible on AWS in a better format, that should have strong consideration for having a version 0.0.1.

endepointe commented 4 months ago

The client receives and sends data to a dynamodb instance on aws. Free tier for data under 25Gigs. Suggest that client backup data daily to offline storage or something else to avoid charges.

murchej commented 4 months ago

The front-end web application shows system status based off of the dynamodb metric data being streamed from the tables, as well as resource consumption metric data.