Securrency-OSS / mirai

Mirai is a Server-Driven UI (SDUI) library for Flutter. Mirai allows you to build beautiful cross-platform applications with JSON in real time.
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feat: Added box decoration parser for container :rocket: #112

Closed loud-at-heart closed 1 year ago

loud-at-heart commented 1 year ago


To add support for BoxDecoration and underlying properties of ShapeBorder with borders and shadows inside MiraiContainer

I have added all the required parser for all the named parameters inside BoxDecoration making sure that all parser are reusable

Related Issues

closes #89

Type of Change

divyanshub024 commented 1 year ago

@loud-at-heart Thank you for the contribution 🙌🏻

Can you please check the build, it's failing

loud-at-heart commented 1 year ago

@loud-at-heart Thank you for the contribution 🙌🏻

Can you please check the build, it's failing

Sure I'll check and open a new PR

::UPDATE:: Some imports were overridden, the fix has been pushed after fixing the same

loud-at-heart commented 1 year ago

@divyanshub024 @iamasimkhan Can you guys give me a head up on the above issue

i-asimkhan commented 1 year ago

@divyanshub024 @iamasimkhan Can you guys give me a head up on the above issue

@loud-at-heart Certainly the greatest contribution from the community so far, we are taking time to review as well test different scenarios.

loud-at-heart commented 1 year ago

All the above review fixes are provided. This is my first PR for any open source project. Thank you @iamasimkhan @divyanshub024 for building a product which increased my interest to contribute to your work.