Securrency-OSS / mirai

Mirai is a Server-Driven UI (SDUI) library for Flutter. Mirai allows you to build beautiful cross-platform applications with JSON in real time.
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feat: Add Mirai Switch #207

Closed kushalmahapatro closed 8 months ago

kushalmahapatro commented 9 months ago


Add support for switch in Mirai.

This basically takes up an initial value and a listener onChanged. The state of the switch is being handled by MiraiSwitchCubit.

This is a draft PR raised to confirm that we are following the right practices and to verify if this is the correct approach for handling the state.


  1. Type of switch (Material/Cupertino/ adaptive)
  2. Override colors (Is this required, or it would be always forced to adapt to the theme)
  3. Additional action onChanged. (network call / updating value in shared preference or storage etc.)

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feat: Add support for Switch in Mirai #168

Type of Change

kushalmahapatro commented 9 months ago

Hi @divyanshub024 , @i-asimkhan.

First of all, it was great working on MIRAI and with no due time I was able to adde the support to have a Switch components.

This is not the full implementation, there are some more addition, which has been added in the TBD section and also need to discuss on those points.