Securrency-OSS / mirai

Mirai is a Server-Driven UI (SDUI) library for Flutter. Mirai allows you to build beautiful cross-platform applications with JSON in real time.
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fix: Rename ScrollView to `SingleChildScrollView #250

Closed divyanshub024 closed 2 months ago

divyanshub024 commented 2 months ago


Right now we SingleChildScrollView Parser type is named as scrollView. This can be confusing for the new users. It is preferred if we rename it to "singleChildScrollView`.

iocampomx commented 2 months ago

Hi @divyanshub024, I'm still confused on this change, I'm using Mirai for the first time. I was following the instructions from the file, and I'm getting this error: Widget type [singleChildScrollView] not supported, I had to rename the widget type to scrollView to make it work. Currently using the version mirai: ^0.6.0, is because you haven't released a new version with the new widget name?

divyanshub024 commented 2 months ago

Hey @iocampomx,

You are right. This change has not been in the release yet. Sorry for the confusion. It will be part of 0.7 release.

For now please continue using scrollView.