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SeedSigner OS | Minimal Raspberry Pi image made for SeedSigner
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Feature Request: Export/Load seed via encrypted file on microSD card #31

Open KyleOfTheCorn opened 1 year ago

KyleOfTheCorn commented 1 year ago

A common criticism against SeedSigner is the requirement for the seed phrase to be in plaintext form, either as words typed manually or as a SeedQR code. This limits the storage options of the seed's physical backup for users that spend frequently. The response to this has been to use strong passphrases to protect the wallet and/or use multisig, but this does not solve the issue of being able to improve the physical backup's security.

Additionally, traveling with a SeedSigner requires bringing the plaintext seed phrase (as words or in QR form) with you, or to memorize them. When a traditional hardware wallet user can bring the device only, and leave their backup at home (or in a safe place). This still creates a risk to those users, though, because hardware wallets are becoming more popular and can be easily identified. Storing an encrypted seed on a microSD card raises almost zero alarms on the traveler, since they are general purpose and extremely common. The user would have to be specifically targeted in order for any authorities to even know that there is encrypted data on the card.

This proposal/feature request provides the user with an additional option for seed storage, but is likely to break the "single location of a key" property, which is popular in the community. This option also allows the project to avoid secure elements entirely, which have been discussed in the community on several occasions, by storing the keys in an encrypted state on a microSD card. It should also be stressed that this is not a replacement for BIP39 passphrases, and as will be shown in the user workflows, passphrases can (and should) still be used.

Foundation Devices recently made a blog post on encrypted microSD backups which provides more information on the benefits and tradeoffs. Their format for storing the seed is available in their docs. There exists an opportunity to work with the Foundation Devices team to develop a standard for both encrypting/decrypting backups, and the format in which the data is stored (currently a simple text file).

High-Level Points

A final point that needs more detail: this is not a replacement for multisig or passphrases, is not specific to singlesig setups, and should still fully support multisig setups. Loading a seed from an encrypted backup is simply another option for loading a seed, and can be used in combination with multiple encrypted seeds stored on multiple microSD cards, written/memorized mnemonics, and SeedQRs.


User Workflows

Exporting Workflow

Loading Workflow

kiz8 commented 1 year ago

Yes I would definitely use this to move between devices and create multiple encrypted backups. Great idea!

inpharmaticist commented 1 year ago

I like this. Additionally, adding the option to export the seed into two or three seeds generated using Coldcard's XOR feature. Its similar in that you need multiple pieces to reveal the seed but with XOR you can use the individual seeds as decoy wallets. Downsides being that its obvious its a seed phrase.

openoms commented 1 year ago

Sounds like a good feature and agree that it would work very well together with SeedXOR (see

The encryption password can be problematic as it needs to be long and be verified. The ColdCard generates 12 words from the BIP39 list, that could be an option - secure and easy to verify.

In any case an encryption password verification step is needed to avoid ending up with the false security of an unusable backup.

Would be great to be able to use this 2of3 like scheme with the SeedSigner also:

edit: a long password should be enforced

jdlcdl commented 1 year ago

Scrappiness is such a desirable trait, imo. I like this thread, and this activity. Thanks folks for letting your voices be heard!

I'll share my thoughts on this after I've chewed on them a while. Till then, they remind me of concerns I had in the past:

Semisol commented 1 year ago

recommendation: have a few options to manage the MicroSD. Such as

openoms commented 1 year ago

@Semisol great point. A LUKS encrypted partition (with a long password) is the best to not run into information leaks whenever the SDcard gets lost or reused.

In this case I think the long password (eg. the CC style 12 words) should be enforced.

KyleOfTheCorn commented 1 year ago
1. Exporting workflow: After success dialog is displayed, Seedsigner OS could ask if the user would like to make an additional identical backup on another microSD card.  The process would repeat until the user has enough identical backups.

Yes, I can see how this would make it easy for this particular use-case.

2. How to best balance security and simplicity of the password creation and ability for users to recall/secure their encrypted passwords.  Will the user create the password, or will Seedsigner OS generate them?  Will any form of characters/numbers be allowed, or will the password be based on BIP39?  IMO creating a series of new passwords for each backup creates too much complexity for the average user and would be problematic as they would then need to backup a series of new passwords in addition to seeds.  Simpler to have one password per seed for all of its future encrypted backups.

I'm good with giving the user the choice to either have a password generated for them, similar to how the Passport does, or allowing the user to supply their own password (and accept the risk that it may not be as strong). It should ultimately be up to the user if they want to use different passwords for the same or different seeds. The SeedSigner itself, being stateless, cannot even determine if the user is doing this.

Semisol commented 1 year ago

If the user can input their own password OR use a 12 word password we could possibly use the same menu for inputting a seed for the password (and checksumming!)

KyleOfTheCorn commented 1 year ago

ColdCard also uses an encrypted backup file. Similar to the Passport, they both use 7z for file encryption and the contents are similarly formatted.

ffrediani commented 4 months ago

Very well written and described Feature Request. Well done !

And agree that is it needed and eliminate the hassle to have to bring a plaintext seed if necessary to travel or move and use the SeedSigner which is not very practical.

However one thing I would remove from the above requirements is that the seed would not be stored in the same SD Card as the SeedSigner one. I don't see that as a big issue really. It is still very secure as long stored in a encrypted file by a passphrase. And it can encourage people to move from HotWallets stored seeds in their PCs to SeedSigner with this feature to improve security which is a very significant thing.

This still makes SeedSigner usage a lot more secure than a traditional HotWallet by not having it to ever connect to the Internet and completely offline.

ffrediani commented 4 months ago

Optionally as mentioned above one alternative to the encrypted file is to have a small LUKS encrypted partition with passphrase which would use well know technology and open-source software available.

jdlcdl commented 3 months ago

Just a note that supporting and challenging opinions were shared in the telegram community group today.

ffrediani commented 3 months ago

@jdlcdl thanks for the update. Would you mind replicate the main points here as this is probably the most appropriate tool to achieve this improvement so everybody following can be aware and contribute ?

ffrediani commented 3 months ago

@jdlcdl can you share the details please ?

jdlcdl commented 3 months ago

@jdlcdl can you share the details please ?

The reason I don't cut and paste directly from the telegram group is that it's for those users to do themselves. I hint to those members to share it in github if they so choose, so that it's easier to find and work on as a developer. But if they don't decide to do that, then I only leave a pointer for those here who are willing to go find it in telegram... and I usually give a fair time frame.

That there were discussions around this topic on May 22nd in telegram is all that I want to share, and everyone is welcome in telegram to see what that discussion was about. The group link is:

ffrediani commented 3 months ago

Hi @jdlcdl What a pity, because the proper discussions for product/project improvements should happen here or be brought here for everybodys consideration. Telegram is a more lazy and precarious tool where details are easily lost or forgotten. Thats for informal chat and not for proper development.

If they don't decide to do you could do yourself. What matters the most are that the ideas and possible solutions to be brought for discussion in this appropriate tool and be implemented if they make sense. You can even ask if you can do on their behalf or if they wish credit for it or not, but the most import is to share with community and have an ideal solution for this feature request that is very needed.