SeedV / SeedLang

An embeddable and visualizable scripting engine for .Net and Unity.
Apache License 2.0
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No output when running SeedCalc script in a file with SeedLang.Shell #222

Closed wixette closed 2 years ago

wixette commented 2 years ago

In the interactive mode, SeedLang.Shell prints the result of a SeedCalc script line:

dotnet run --project csharp/src/SeedLang.Shell -- -l SeedCalc
>>> 3.1415926 * (10 + -2.71828) / 7e-3
---------- Source ----------
1     3.1415926 * (10 + -2.71828) / 7e-3

---------- Run ----------

But, when running the same script line stored in a file, SeedLang.Shell prints nothing by default:

dotnet run --project csharp/src/SeedLang.Shell -- -l SeedCalc -f examples/seedcalc/scripts/arithmetic.calc

Enabled Visualizers: 

---------- Source ----------
1     3.1415926 * (10 + -2.71828) / 7e-3

Considering the SeedCalc language has no print statement, it's weird if SeedLang.Shell outputs nothing when running a SeedCalc script file.