SeedboxCreator / SeedboxCreationScript

Scripts and related items for creating a fully featured Seedbox on various Linux platforms.
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cant add users #20

Open TuvixHosting opened 9 years ago

TuvixHosting commented 9 years ago

Following your instructions, it is not possible to add users it breaks the original user and new users cannot login and if so, rutorrent not working


TuvixHosting commented 9 years ago


lapinpt commented 9 years ago

adduser NewUser usermod -a -G sudo,www-data,users NewUser

sh seedbox-setup -u OldUser::OldUser:paswd -u NewUser::NewUser:paswd -w -s --apache --rutorrent

worked for me does not broke anything

TuvixHosting commented 9 years ago

would you be so kind to give a visual? lets say i have user robert with password letmein123 and want new user, howto proceed?

lapinpt commented 9 years ago

cd /home wget chmod a+x seedbox-setup

sh seedbox-setup -u robert::robert:letmein123 -u NewUser::NewUser:paswd -w -s --apache --rutorrent

lapinpt commented 9 years ago

--apache if u first installed apache

keep the same settings off first install

TuvixHosting commented 9 years ago

so if i have 10 users on the server i need to add them in that commandline everytime as well? damn :P wished they made this one easier with deleting and adding users instead of this :)

thank you

lapinpt commented 9 years ago

there may be an easier way

but this one I know it works

TuvixHosting commented 9 years ago

if you ever do find one, please share haha think we would best write our own script some day, will have a look around for a new developer/coder

thnx for the input, i will use that for now :)