SeedboxCreator / SeedboxCreationScript

Scripts and related items for creating a fully featured Seedbox on various Linux platforms.
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Add mediainfo and irssi packages to Ubuntu install #3

Closed johnchoi8 closed 10 years ago

johnchoi8 commented 10 years ago

Currently a user has to install mediainfo and irssi packages via apt prior to running the seedbox creation script. Need to add these packages to the list of packages installed via the script and not manually.

thebigmunch commented 10 years ago

FYI, irssi is in there. IIRC, it's just that it doesn't work for all (or any) of the OS's anymore.

johnchoi8 commented 10 years ago

Ok, that makes sense. Still needs to get fixed then.

johnchoi8 commented 10 years ago

irssi and mediainfo packages added to Debian/Ubuntu installation. Tested and working on 12.04.1 and 13.10.