Seeed-Solution / SenseCAP_Indicator_ESP32

SenseCAP Indicator SDK.
Apache License 2.0
39 stars 30 forks source link

Getting Started With Home Assistant demo code #8

Closed Love4yzp closed 1 year ago

jackyckygit commented 1 year ago

please provide more information about using the PSRAM Octal 120 MHz feature in the release/v5.0.2 branch of ESP-IDF or other newer release? cannot figure out how to config it.

Love4yzp commented 1 year ago

please provide more information about using the PSRAM Octal 120 MHz feature in the release/v5.0.2 branch of ESP-IDF or other newer release? cannot figure out how to config it.

We didn't test it in release/v5.0.2, you could start a discussion and log your problems. once you patch it, you don't need to do anything, if you modify the file as 'sdkconfig, you may delete it, to use thesdkconfig.defaults`.

Thank you for your understanding.