Seeed-Studio / GPRS_Shield_Suli

GPRS Shield based on SIM900
MIT License
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GPRS init #16

Open TheAce58 opened 2 years ago

TheAce58 commented 2 years ago


I saw your sendSMS function and was wondering if your initialization condition is false or not. Here is your code :

` void setup() {


while (0 != gprsTest.init()) {

    Serial.print("init error\r\n");


Serial.println("gprs init success");

Serial.println("start to send message ...");

gprsTest.sendSMS(PHONE_NUMBER, MESSAGE); //define phone number and text

} `

I see here that your condition is waiting for a 0, or a false in the gprs.init() method. But if we go to your GPRS_Shield_Arduino.cpp file, we see that the function returns true if everything went well. Why do you wait for a false to say if the initialization was successful ? Here is the code :

` int GPRS::init(void) { if (0 != sim900_check_with_cmd("AT\r\n", "OK\r\n", CMD)) { return false;


if (0 != sim900_check_with_cmd("AT+CFUN=1\r\n", "OK\r\n", CMD)) {
    return false;


if (0 != checkSIMStatus()) {
    return false;


return true;

} `

Is there anything I have misunderstood ?

Best regards.